Mochiko: Speculoos Cookie Butter Mochi with Biscoff Cookie Inside!

If you have been reading YedyLicious Manila Food Blog, you would know by now how I love Mochiko. They are by far one of the best food finds in Manila I was introduced to during my visits at Mercato Centrale. Recent visit to Mochiko Shangri-La branch to have a taste of their new flavor Mochiko Speculoos Cookie Butter Mochi reminded me of my deep affinity for this creative Japanese dessert.

The craze that was Speculoos Cookie Butter may have taken a back seat for months now, but it is still there nonetheless.  Hence, the ride that Mochiko took by introducing this relatively new flavor is noteworthy. Keeping up with the times and executing it really well is one great feat that Mochiko is known for.

The fact that Mochiko has expanded to several branches from the time of its inception, and still loved by many, is a proof that they are still on top of its game. All through the years, creative minds behind Mochiko managed to create interesting flavors to make Mochiko all the more close to foodies’ hearts. Their spin on what’s popular and in-demand to the food landscape in Manila is noteworthy and well-worth the try, always.

As with any Mochiko flavors, encased in delicate glutinous rice wrapper is Speculoos flavored FIC ice cream with cookie butter ripple. The combination of two is already incredible in itself, but the fun doesn’t just stop there. Real Biscoff cookie is thrown into the mix for a good pleasurable measure. I have tasted several food products boasting of Speculoos Cookie Butter as one of its star ingredients, and Mochiko’s take is by far one of the best, I couldn’t get enough of it.

The flavor is very apparent, while the texture brought about by the cookie is an added pleasure. Whether you are crazy about Speculoos Cookie Butter and Biscoff Cookie or not, Mochiko Speculoos Cookie Butter Mochi is one indulgent treat that you would not want to miss.



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