Hot Pandesal and Arabica Coffee

It's a Monday morning, non-working holiday, and it's raining. For some who was not able to booked an out of town vacation for the long weekend that was, it's a good chance to have an extra day of rest, wherein you have all the rights to be as humanly lazy as possible. And since is not good to skip breakfast, there's the good old nearby bakeshop out there for hot pandesal and the coffee maker which we can rely on should this laziness to pop something on the stove and pan get the better of us.

Since dipping your hot pandesal into your coffee is so 1989, there are many spreads available in the market to choose from which you can stack into your fridge. Personally, since I am way to past the pandesal and condensed milk tandem (am I the only one who enjoyed this?), cheese has become one of the best thing on the list.

Magnolia Cream Cheese has always been my favorite. I can pair it with any bread available in our kitchen and it is sinfully satisfying. It is not overwhelming as it doesn’t have a strong taste compare to other cream cheese I tried with pandesal. A bottle is around 115php, and it is good to last for a couple of weeks just as long as you keep it refrigerated. Of course, you can use it with other dishes aside from making a sandwich so; it is definitely worth the money.

Another favorite is Cheez Whiz Pizza Flavor. My sister bought one for her Deep Fried Zucchini one time, and so the left over was used on either tasty bread or pandesal. The original flavor of Cheez Whiz is good enough, but this pizza flavor adds new dimension to cheese lover like me. The taste of the pizza is there, but one just have to go a little easy on spreading this one because it can get too salty when used in excessive amount. A medium size bottle is 78php.

Lastly, the Laughing Cow cheese. It comes wrapped in the individual serving-sized foiled wedges, packed in a round, flat box, 8 pcs. in a box is sold in the market for 80php. It is a processes cheese originated in France which is so white I have mistaken it for a cream cheese and its taste is so delicate it goes well with the pandesal.

Now, for coffee, although I normally prefer Sumatra, when my mother bought Yuban Arabica Coffee, I fell in love with it. This aromatic coffee has a perfect blend of strong and nutty flavor which is sure to wake you up with all its distinct taste and freshness.

This kind of laid back breakfast is a sure way to start the day right. Now, you have all the energy to spend the entire day with a good book, or a DVD marathon.

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