Baker's Hat at The White Hat Italian Frozen Yogurt

Its flirtatious sweetness and tangy components in flavor is a marriage meant to caress the palate, leaving a ticklish sensation to the taste buds.  The cold, velvety smooth and creamy texture takes its own sweet time melting as it glides through the tongue, leaving remnants of the glorious toppings to chew on.

Chunks of homemade cheesecake, crunchy flakes of almond clusters, and pieces of berries bleeding of sweet syrup comprise its holy trinity of toppings.  The cheesecake’s flavor compliments the distinct taste of yogurt.  The crunchy flakes of almond clusters provide a break from the constant creamy texture of the yogurt and the cake as it combines.  Pieces of unadulterated berries with its syrup give a refreshing fruity taste to the treat.

That’s the Baker’s Hat Frozen Yogurt and 3 Toppings combination at The White Hat Italian Frozen Yogurt.

Visit their website at to locate the store near you.

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