Breaking The Hiatus

I am in a middle of hiatus.  I recently celebrated my birthday and I guess this is the proverbial time to make a life assessment as to where the life I have chosen has taken me, hence the vacation.  But I feel the need to dish out a quick update and a small peek for the shape of things to come.

I maybe on a hiatus but believe it or not, I always find myself setting up my cameras, tripods, and other things needed for a shoot in the middle of my so-called-vacation.  So, basically I’m still on a roll except that my online life is into a halt.  Well, except right now.

I’ve been doing a lot of eating.  And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.  Just like recently, my sister and I spent a weekend at one of the 5 star hotels here in the country.  To say that I enjoyed it immensely would be an understatement.  So, I guess you just have to wait for that hotel and food review which I will be posting really soon.

Also, I have been visiting some new foodie places and re-acquainting with some old time favorites.  I am trying to discover some hole-in-the-wall worthy to rave about and I am also enjoying my fair share of luxurious gastronomical treats.   New foodie discoveries are all set to be shared and new ideas to be introduced.

I am doing some travelling, albeit limited.  I am trying to tap on some uncharted territories all in the name of adventure, experience, and the ubiquitous carpe diem state of mind.  I feel that I am in the state of being where I can do crazy things because I am still young and I can still get away with it, just like eating steaks and lechon every day for two weeks straight.  Yeah, pretty much like that.

People who are close to me know that I am a sucker for literature, so I am trying to enjoy and read as much book as I can while on a hiatus.  While I still enjoy the works of Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk, Jack Kerouac, James Lee Burke, and the likes, I am also now into Anthony Bourdain, Ruth Reichl, Peter Mayle, Frank Bruni, and other foodie writers.  I am trying to digest as much information from these awesome writers because hey, learning is never ending journey.

So, basically I am trying to get as much inspiration and experiences as I can while I am on a hiatus.  Those which are worth sharing will be weaved into words which I can share with you.  Meanwhile, feel free to browse on my previous posts while I am still away.  I promise you delicious blog posts after this short hiatus, when I finally get my groove back.

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