Kaya Toast Set at Toast Box Philippines

It was a quick brunch, one among many where I am pressed for time to grab something quick otherwise; I’ll be late in a meeting or collapse while at it due to an empty stomach.  While I’ve always relied on Kopi Roti and Yakun Kaya Toast for my Kaya Toast fix as breakfast, I’ve decided to try Toast Box this time considering it was the most convenient restaurant to go to at that time.

I would have tried those interesting looking dishes on their menu if only I wasn’t in a hurry.  Instead, I grabbed their Traditional Toast Set just so I can have a prelude to a possible gastronomical affair.  With all the raves, I admit to set a high expectation for Toast Box.

The set includes two soft-boiled eggs, kaya toasts, and a choice of kopi or teh (milk tea).

The soft-boiled eggs with yolks in golden hue were tainted beautifully as I pour soy sauce until it mostly settled at the bottom.  Its entire beauty gently quivers when a dash of powdered pepper were thrown in.  When everything were mixed all together, chromatic war ends while its creamy satin like feel to the palate begins.
Thick kaya spread gracing the soft-crunchy toasted white bread is already good on its own, but the creamy butter tempers the sweetness of the spread making its sweetness rather tolerable.
I like milk teas in general but I am a bit picky when it comes to it.  Toast Box Teh has a perfect combination of everything a good milk tea should have, so after downing a cup of hot milk tea, I immediately order another, but this time I have it with ice.
I guess I have set an expectation way too high than I should because I was waiting for all fireworks to break loose on my first bite of the kaya toast, but apparently, there’s none.  I was expecting something notable that will set them apart from the usual kaya toast available in other cafes or restaurants, and I found nothing. I cannot even set the difference between theirs and the one serve at Kopi Roti.  But this doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth the try. 

Probably the best thing that took them to a notch higher than their competitors is that they serve dishes other than the Kaya Toast Sets.  Just like Kopi Roti and Ya Kun Kaya Toast, Toast Box Philippines is something I would go back to, especially that their dishes sounds enticing enough for me to schedule a visit when I am not in a hurry.
Toast Box Philippines
BGC ECommerce Bldg 31st St cor Rizal Dr, The Fort
Website: www.breadtalk.com/ourbrand-tb.html
Twitter: @toastboxph
Facebook: www.facebook.com/toastboxphilippines

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