How Do I Want My Valentine's Day to be Special

In a perfect world, every single person would have a grand time with their significant other especially during Valentine’s Day.  Everyone can feel like a princess with her prince, a queen with her king, or even a damsel in distress with a man who can save her.  Valentine’s Day can be a celebration of hearts beating as one.  It is the time when perfection is illuminated through hearts that doesn’t carry a single scar.

But we are not in a perfect world.

In reality, hearts can be broken a thousand times over.  Wounds can take a lifetime to heal.  Valentine’s day, well, it can be a reminder that not everyone is blessed with a significant other.

Scar.  I know we all have that.  

I for one am not exempted with the endless nights of crying, forgetting, and healing.  I have been scarred for countless of times.  Some have already healed, while others I still carry in my heart.

But I believe that scar is beautiful because it carries a meaning.  

I have lost count of how many years have I spent my Valentine’s Day scarred.  I have lost track of the degree of bitterness I have carried in my heart during those times when I should be celebrating with a smiling heart.  I grew tired of it.  Because with maturity comes with the realization that Valentine’s Day can be special whether your with someone or you are just alone but in the company of your loved ones.

When fellow dear blogger Joy of Gastronomy By Joy raised a question at her blog giveaway sweet Valentine’s Day contest, “How do you want your Valentine’s Day to be special?”  it got me thinking.

While my love life is non-existent, it isn’t a valid excuse for me to spend another Valentine’s Day just in passing.  I have to make up for the lost time.  No, I wouldn’t snag any man within reasonable radius just to have a date on that day.  Rather, as cheesy as it may sound, I’ll spend it with my dad and my mom.
my father and my mother

I want my Valentine’s Day to be special by being surrounded by the unconditional love that gives me true happiness.  Unconditional love that can carry me back to my wholeness, despite being broken and scarred.

Now I tell you, prince charming, knight in shining armor, or a perfect man may or may not come.  But the princess right here is contented.  For I am cradled safely in the arms of my king and my queen where no one can bring me harm.


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