Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise Scrambulicious Recipe

Out of the many simple thrills that this life has to offer, breakfast is definitely one of those which can truly brighten my day.  While grand breakfast commensurate to that of ray of sunshine on a rather gloomy day, sometimes, a simple breakfast prepared with love can bring enough sparkle for one to get by.

Scrambled egg for instance, is a downright simple breakfast treat.  I have been enjoying scrambled egg for as long as I can remember.  Its simplicity is never tiring. It is good the way it is.  Yet, in a world where all things can be better, even our trusty old time favorite scrambled egg isn’t spared.    I am not saying that it is a bad thing. Rather, I am more than delighted knowing the fact that my usual plain Jane of a scrambled egg can be made all the more filling and satisfying with Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise.

I have been hearing about the wonders that Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise can add to this simple dish but it was only recently that I get to try it. Thanks to our friends at Lady’s Choice, simple breakfast can now be as grand as it can be by following a simple recipe.  For a creamier, fluffier, and yummier scrambled egg, read on and follow the recipe.


4 pcs eggs
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp ground pepper
4 tbsp Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise
2 tbsp cooking oil
chives for garnish

  •    Beat the egg, salt and pepper until frothy.
  •    In another bowl, put Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise. Slowly pour the beaten eggs while whisking the mixture together until well blended.
  •    Heat oil in the frying pan. Add the beaten eggs. Keep on stirring, do not overcook.
  •    Sprinkle with chopped chives before serving.

I have tried cooking scrambled egg using milk before, aiming to achieve creamy consistency on the texture. While I have succeeded in doing so, I find the flavor a tad too bland for my liking.  After trying out this simple recipe, not only did it yield creamier and more flavorful dish, it also carried out a fluffier texture which is definitely a delight in every bite.

If Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise can make a simple dish extra special, I am sure that there are plenty of other dishes that it can further enhance.  With that, I guess I’ll be spending more time in my kitchen in the company of Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise.

How about you? Have you tried using Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise to further enhance your favorite recipe? Share it with us!

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