California Crunch Cassava Chips: Healthy Alternative to Potato Chips

It may sound weird that I am starting this post by telling that I love potato chips. Potato chips rule the world in terms of food snacks, well at least for me. Truth be told, I cannot live without it. Yet, a bagful of extreme indulgence to such would always send me into a mental sparring with an imaginary cardiologist named Dr. Guilt. It isn't always a good experience, I tell you.

Good thing that someone introduced me to a healthy alternative to my well loved potato chips, California Crunch Cassava Chips. While it is made out of cassava, in terms of taste, it is by far the best substitute for the usual potato chips we all grew up with.   

California Crunch Cassava Chips: Healthy Alternative to Potato Chips
I have been impressed with how well cassava (Kamoteng Kahoy) fairs well as an ingredient for some of the best local desserts we all loved.  Now, I am equally impressed that it is now used as a healthy snack with benefits to boot.

A tad thicker albeit crunchier in texture as compare to potato chips, California Crunch Cassava Chips is available in two flavors; Barbecue and Sour Cream & Onion.

Barbecue flavor is a push and pull between sweet in spicy. At first bite, sweet taste teases the palate into indulgence until an exciting kick of spiciness made its way that further led one into munching for more.

The Sour Cream and Onion flavor which I love to the core reminds me of Raffles Potato Chips of the same flavor. A marriage between sweet and tangy taste that pleases the senses in such a way that one would surely lick fingers covered in the chips excess powdery crumbs with reckless abandon.

Since it is made of cassava, California Crunch Cassava Chips has twice the fibre and more potassium than potato. It has 30% less fat than potato chips and 0 % cholesterol. Not bad as a substitute, eh?

While I still have within me my undying love for potato chips, California Crunch Cassava Chips provides a healthy alternative for me to enjoy munching on some chips. I love the fact that its taste isn't that far from potatoes, and the fact that it has more health benefits endears it more to me.

California Crunch Cassava Chips is available at SM Supermarket, SM Hypermart, Gourdo's, and Mercury Drug Store. Priced at Php 44.50 for 120grams bag. You may visit their website and facebook page for more info or you can email them at

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