Chocolate Tart: A Recipe from Around The World in 80 Plates

One of the best things I love about long weekend if I do not have a scheduled travel is the ample time I can spend in our kitchen.  Owing to the crazy schedule I normally have, rarely do I have the time now to create a decent dish I could share here on my website. Luckily, the past long weekend that transpired gave me the freedom to finally get my hands dirty in the kitchen.

Inspiration came from a recipe book which my mother gave me last year, Around the World in 80 Plates.  It is a recipe book published by Hinge Inquirer which boasts of a flavorful collection of recipes from expert chefs around the world. Having forces such as F&B World and Unilever Food Solutions behind the book, it is a perfect book for people who want to get their hands on trying recipes hailing from different parts of the world.

Chocolate Tart: A Recipe from Around The World in 80 Plates

One recipe which got my attention immediately while browsing the book was Chef James Antolin’s Chocolate Tart.

The recipe calls for simple ingredients, however, I tweaked it a bit to suit to my liking. Instead of using pre-baked tart shell indicated on the book, I created my own tart shell using chocolate cookie crumbs.  I want my chocolate tart oozing with some melted chocolate in every slice, so instead of setting my oven to 290F, I opted for 250F instead.

Below is the original recipe from the book, but just like what I did, you can tweaked it into your liking. Whatever floats your boat.

Chocolate Tart
Recipe by Chef James Antolin
Around The World in 80 Plates.

3 Tbsp Heavy Cream
3 Tbsp milk
1/4 cup Semi-sweet chocolate
1 eggyolk
1 whole egg
1/2 tsp sugar

Preheat oven to 290 F
Combine cream and milk and bring to a boil
Chop chocolate to pieces
Pour hot cream and milk mixture over chocolate pieces
Temper egg mixture by pouring, while stirring, the hot mixture into the eggs a little at a time, then transferring back to the hot mixture soit will not curdle.
Pour into a pre-baked tart shell.
Baked for 9 minutes.

This recipe yieds 6 to 8 servings. Preparation time is 20 minutes. Baking time is 9 minutes.

Around The World in 80 Plates
Copyright 2009
Hinge Inquirer Publication

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