Healthy and Delicious Treats at Agico Vegetarian Cafe in San Juan City

If you have been reading YedyLicious, you know for a fact that I am a hardcore meat lover. If not, well, just for the record, I am a hardcore meat lover. Yet, despite being a carnivore, being a food writer entails me to try different food no matter how way out of my league it could be. Say for instance, vegetables. 

While there are food (read: bacon, steaks, etc.) I have devoured in this lifetime which steeled my resolve that I can never be a vegan, I also have my fair share of healthy food consumptions.  Those experiences merit its own recognition. One of them was my recent visit to the newly opened Agico Vegetarian Cafe located at Aurallo St. in San Juan City.

Agico Vegetarian Cafe is not just your run-of-the-mill vegetarian restaurant as it specializes in Japanese cuisine, albeit vegetarian which dishes out wide variety of coffees, milk teas, and other cafe drinks at the same time. This family owned business is a new addition to vegetarian restaurants in Manila which holds the promise that healthy food can also be delicious.

Truth be told, the word vegetarian can be a tad intimidating, if not discouraging at a glance. But in all honesty, I am glad that I heed to the call of this vegetarian nook for I have exposed my self to healthy eating without compromising my love for savory meaty taste.

The location is a tad hidden, but thanks to its illuminating and inviting ambiance, this cafe is not hard to notice at all. As one walks in, a wall partition will greet you indicating a separate area that exudes a restaurant feel to it while the other one suggest an ambiance of the usual upbeat cafe or milk tea house. 
While perusing their impressive menu, I asked the owner Andrew as to what he can suggest as a good starter for our meal. Apparently, their Takoyaki (Php 158) is one of the dishes that has been creating quite a gleeful stir since its soft opening last September 26. Upon taking my first bite, I never doubted that it definitely one great fare that diners should not missed when visiting Agico. I have had my fair share of vegetable takoyaki before but Agico's stood out from the rest. Considering that it is vegetarian, it does well in suggesting a meaty taste of octopus that one would normally get from the usual takoyaki. 

Since I love everything with cheese, I didn't have a second thought ordering for their Philadelphia Torch Maki (Php230). With its salmon made of soy protein tied with cucumber and wrapped in nori sheet and Japanese rice, this maki is surprisingly impressive. With generous cream cheese smothered on top and torched as it served, I wouldn't mind having this maki again for my next visit.

One could easily find their Mix Mushroom Sushi (Php156) pleasing to the eye and to the palate. It's a cornucopia of different mushroom, as it name suggests, on a bed and wrapped with Japanese rice. This is a must order not just for mushroom lovers like me, but for those who appreciate good sushi as well. 

When Agico's Fish Balls (Php98) was served, I thought we were served with chunks of fried tofu on a stick. When I took a bite on it, I was so amazed that it tasted like fish balls. Yes it is made with tofu but it is less dense in texture hence, giving the feel of eating like a real fish balls. I just wish that they could serve it with the usual fish ball sauce instead of the plain vinegar. Nevertheless, I am impressed.

When the food server suggested that we try their Enoki Bacon (Php188) I almost didn't give in.  I can forgive one for messing with my hair but not with my bacon. Definitely not with my bacon. It's a mortal sin, hey. But all for the name of adventure, I relented. Good thing I did because when I tasted it, immediately I was floored. It tasted like the real thing. Knowing that it's the healthy version of my good ol' bacon, it feels like the world can be a much better place to live in. 

I was dead set on having their Tempura Udon but my friend suggested we have the Beef Ramen (Php209) instead. While I love the texture of the noodles and the meaty taste of the beef made with soy protein, I find it a bit bland for my taste. Good thing that the owners are open for comments and suggestion and they promise to improved on it. No worries since they were just on a soft opening when we visited. 

Agico also offers wide variety of sandwiches and burgers. Everything looks enticing but I decided to have their Pinoy Best Burger (Php266). Of the many dishes I have tried at Agico, their Pinoy Best Burger by far is my personal favorite. As a vegetarian rendition of Sisig Burger, I cannot believe that the faux sisig was made with soy protein since it scream of meaty taste in so many different level. Indeed, there couldn't be an apt name for this dish other than Pinoy Best Burger.

Their servings of Tofu Steak (Php248) is equally impressive in terms of servings and taste. It reminds me of my favorite tofu dish I had during our Binondo Food Walk only it tasted richer and more savory.

I have tried several vegetarian restaurants in the past, some are remarkable while some are simply blah. Agico Vegetarian Cafe is definitely one of those I kept on raving about days after visiting them. I am not big on vegetarian fare but Agico reminded me that I can enjoy my meal without indulging on meat dishes.

By the time that I am writing this, Agiso is still on its soft opening but come tomorrow, October 6, 2012 at 12noon, they will be celebrating their grand opening day and everyone whether vegetarian or not is invited to come.

For those who want to take a break from the usual meaty dishes you are indulging in and for those who are in search for a new vegetarian place to try, i recommend Agico Vegetarian Cafe. In this place, healthy eating can sure be as delighting. 

Agico Vegetarian Cafe
#83 Aurallo St. San Juan City
Metro Manila, Philippines
Contact No.: (02) 705 1997
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