Yummy Magazine Cooking Demo with Lady's Choice

Yuletide season is just around the corner and I am sure that like me, most of you foodies are already busy preparing menu line up for the coming parties ahead.  While buying cooked meals from our favorite restaurants can be a tad less stressful, I still believe that preparing home cooked meals for your loved ones especially this season is way lovelier and thoughtful.

In line with this, the country’s best-selling food magazine, Yummy has prepared a Christmas themed cooking demo in partnership with Lady’s Choice.  This event is a good way to kick-start December by providing a fun-filled afternoon where you can learn easy-to-do recipes and mouthwatering dishes you can serve this holiday season to your friends and family.

Yummy Cooking Demo
December 1, 2012 / 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Robinsons Supermarket Galleria

My friend and Yummy Magazine’s contributing food stylist Chef Katherine Jao will show us how to whip up delicious and easy-to-do recipes while Chef Dianne dela Cruz of Unilever Food Solutions will demonstrate amazing dishes using Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise.  

Participants of this event will get a chance to win exciting prices from the sponsors.  I am sure this is going to be an amazing afternoon of learning and having fun. So, if you are looking for inspiration n what to serve this holiday come and join Yummy Cooking Demo this Saturday.  See you all there!

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