Mad For Garlic at The Fort, Bonifacio Global City

Mad For Garlic located at The Fort, Bonifacio Global City in Taguig has been in the business for months now. Some of the best food bloggers in Manila have written about their take on it, raves and rants. In my case, I feel the need to revisit because first, everything at Mad For Garlic’s menu is way too impressive for a garlic-lover like me to ignore, and second, I want to know if it was just a bad day when I first tasted their Garlic Sprinkle Gelato.

This addition to the growing number of restaurants at The Fort, BGC was brought in by Global Restaurants Concepts, Inc., the same group that brought IHOP Philippines, California Pizza Kitchen, P.F. Chang’s, Gyu-Kaku, and Morelli’s Gelato here in Manila.

An Italian wine bistro which origin can be traced back in Korea, Mad For Garlic is not just your ordinary Italian restaurant. Garlic-themed Italian dishes with Asian twist can be a tad confusing on the get go, but that is what exactly sets Mad For Garlic apart from the others.

Setting foot the first time at Mad For Garlic, you will be welcomed with an impressive wine bottles neatly arranged and used not merely as decoration, but as makeshift walls separating main dining area to the private booths. Garlic-shaped lamps add an interesting touch to the entire area. The ambiance is classy and chic, but definitely welcoming. 

I could dish out my take on everything I have tried at Mad For Garlic during few of my visits but each visit renders different story which calls for different voice that will soon transpire in this blog. So, for now, let me share with you my very first visit which started with a serving of Dracula Killer (Php 195), what could be more apt? I know.

Slices of garlic soaked in olive oil and anchovies, topped with grated parmesan cheese, these babies are meant to be eaten slathered on top of garlic bread that comes with it. Dracula Killer is a fitting appetizer that does not just whet one’s palate, but it introduces one to what can be expected ahead when dining at Mad For Garlic. 

Buffalo mozzarella cheese served with fresh and plump slices of tomatoes on olive oil and basil pesto sauce is a dish called Caprese Salad (Php695). Obviously, it is an Italian antipasto in your face right there. What sets this dish apart and made it distinctly Mad For Garlic’s rendition is the glaring kick of garlic taste made possible by generous minced garlic blatantly added to the pesto sauce. I was expecting the addition of extra garlic on the sauce to be overpowering, but it just made the dish all the more pleasing to the palate. The distinct taste of the Buffalo cheese was still very apparent, needless to say, I really liked it.

A pizza peppered generously with slices of fried garlic suggests that a snowstorm of garlic has just transpired before it was set on your table. Aptly called Garlic Snowing Pizza (Php545), the use of Mad For Garlic special sauce and pineapple cut through the rather overwhelming taste of the garlic. The shrimps on top, although not as plump as I hoped it to be were an added bonus. 

While everyone raved about the Garlic Snowing Pizza, it was the lovely combination of Gorgonzola cheese luxuriously slathered with honey and garlic that rocked my world. As simple as it is, Gorgonzola Pizza (Php475) charmed the heck out of me that every visit calls for an order or two of this lovely dish I would like to believe my pizza soul mate. The combination of honey and garlic surprisingly worked, making the rather simple cheese pizza dish way appetizing and filling. Yes, you do not judge a food at face value. 

The earthy flavor brought about by the combination of three kinds of mushroom hinting of Asian flavor from the teriyaki sauce the mushrooms were doused with was a pleasant treat to the palate. The grilled red pepper, asparagus, and arugula at Mad For Garlic's Tutto Mushroom Salad (Php665) add not just a flare in flavor but a play on texture as well. 

For someone who favors cream based pasta with no aversion to seafood, Mad For Garlic’s Crab and Lobster Pizza (Php475) can be a delightful option. The noodle was al dente, yes, but what made this dish close to my heart was the combination of crab and lobster. The distinct taste of seafood cuts through the creaminess of the sauce, hence one should not be bothered to be overwhelmed, the usual case when dealing with cream-based pasta.

I expected more from Mad For Garlic’s Dancing Salsa Rice with Steak (Php295) and even re-order it during my succeeding visits but then it still fall short of my expectation. I could have gladly danced with the wine-marinated beef topped with fresh bean sprout and fried egg served atop garlic rice had it suggested something special, but no. I deem it was just another rendition of pepper rice you can get from other restaurants, only a serving comes with salsa. Nothing danced, not even my enthusiasm to re-order it yet again on my next visit.

Spicy food is not my thing but the beauty that Zuppa di Pesce (Php655) holds begged to be had. Thankfully, the spicy kick wasn’t overwhelming as the taste of the various kinds of seafood was what lingered on my palate. I deem it is a perfect dish on a cold rainy day. 

My strong belief to second and even third chances was put into practice as I forced myself to understand why I dislike the combination of garlic and ice cream. Sure, it really is an unlikely combination, but I am hopeful by nature, hence the second and third try. I know some foodies who appreciate it but I guess Mad For Garlic’s Garlic Sprinkle Gelato (Php175) just doesn’t fit the bill for me. 

There are plenty of drinks to choose from but Mad For Garlic’s Signature Ades are quite interesting to miss out on.  The Yuja Ade (Php110) is a Korean traditional herb tea made of yuja fruit preserved with honey while the Wine Ade (Php170) is a simple combination of red wine and soda. Between the two it was the Yuja Ade that I liked best because I find it refreshing although a tad sweeter as I want it to be. The Wine Ade was also good, but I don’t want anything messing up with my red wine, so there.

Like what I have mentioned, I have been to Mad For Garlic couple of times more since my first visit left an impression that I need to explore this restaurant more. Not everything I have tried on my first visit was downright impressive but majority I would say was worth a repeat. Not everyone has affinity for garlic but since Mad For Garlic’s rendition leans on the creative and playful side of the spectrum, aversion has a possibility to be conquered. 

Mad for Garlic

W Global Center
30th Street corner 9th Avenue,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
Contact No.: 808-9517

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