Amores Gluten-Free Cupcakes

Just for the record, prior to trying out Amores Gluten-Free Cupcakes I have zero knowledge about gluten nor gluten-free food. Those are big words for me, seriously. Just like most of you, I am also new to this gluten-free food, gluten-free diet, and the whole she bangs. Not many food stores and restaurants in Manila offer gluten-free food so the awareness isn’t really apparent. 

Google research led me to several different write ups about gluten-free food and gluten-free diet. It is impossible to sum up and dish out glaring wisdom about this topic in one post so I wouldn’t even dare.  But in a nutshell, Gluten is the mixture of protein found in wheat grains including rye and barley. It is tagged as the glue that holds together baked goodies and pasta.

People who opted for gluten-free diet are those who suffer from celiac disease (a condition where gluten creates damage to small intestine), gluten intolerance, and wheat allergy. 

As much as I would love to dish out information about this, I am not confident enough with my limited knowledge. However, you may want to visit this and this for suggested readings regarding gluten and gluten-free diet. For now, what I would love to share with you is my first dibs on gluten-free cupcake by Amores Gluten-Free Food.

Truth be told, I have low expectations in terms of taste when I was asked to try this gluten-free cupcake. I guess I have been jaded enough with all the sugar free, fat free, cholesterol free, and the likes that I have tried before which only assaulted my palate with their innate blandness. I am not a fan of these food because more often than not, I find the quality of taste sadly compromised. But to each his own, whatever floats your boat, since I know several people who wouldn’t touch anything that is not sugar/fat/cholesterol free. 

After having tasted Amores Gluten-Free Cupcake, it made me realized that it’s a different thing. I was amazed by how rich tasting and moist the cupcakes were. I got to try three flavors which include chocolate, red velvet, and carrot.  The frostings may not be as full bodied compare to the usual deal, but it does not mean that it doesn’t taste good, because it does. 

The chocolate flavor boasts of the rich taste of cocoa made all the more richer with the frosting. The red velvet that leans on the chocolatey side of the spectrum was equally delightful especially with its cream cheese frosting thrown in the mix. But of the three flavors I tried, it was the carrot cupcake that captured my heart and pleased my palate. I love the moist texture of the cupcake and the chunky texture of nuts. The cream cheese frosting also helped in further elevating the experience.

Honestly, I was surprised that Amores Gluten-Free Cupcake tasted really good. I was half expecting that it’ll come as your run of the mill cupcake for the omission of supposedly the thing that holds a baked good together. But I was floored that it was even better than some of the cupcakes I have tasted before.

I am glad that my first dibs on gluten-free food was pleasant enough that my curiosity to try other gluten-free food was steeled. Amores Gluten-Free Cupcake is indeed a good start for those who loved to try gluten-free cupcakes.

For more information about Amores Gluten-Free Food, you may contact them thru mobile number 0920-9604161 and you may visit their Facebook page for some gluten-free visual feast alongside other information.

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