House of Lasagna Through Quick Delivery (

There are already countless of times when I enjoyed variety of lasagnas offered by House of Lasagna.  I even met its owner and head chef Eric Congmon during my first visit at their branch in San Juan.  I am glad to know that up to this day, they still serve one of the best tasting lasagnas in Manila that I’ve ever had. Up to this day, I am still a fan.

So, few weeks ago, while having a movie marathon with my younger sister at our home in San Juan, I decided to have some lasagnas delivered in our home.  I could not stress enough how I appreciate home food delivery services in Manila which save me most of the time when I am in no mood to cook nor to go out and eat.  House of Lasagna is in partnership with Quick Delivery ( so I immediately text them to give me a call back.  How convenient, right?


Couple of minutes after texting them, I got a call back from Mariz, one of their call center operator who assisted me with my order. I am pretty familiar with House of Lasagna’s menu so the ordering process was made all the more quicker. Mariz was very efficient in assisting me and within a matter of minutes, my orders were placed and I was asked to wait for 50 to 60 minutes before my food arrived.


I am confident that my food will arrive on time because based on my pat experiences with Quick Delivery; there was never a time when I have to deal with delays.  To my surprise,  only 40 minutes has passed and the friendly quick delivery guy was already at our door with a big smile on his face and my food on his hands. How I love the friendly gesture and efficiency.

I ordered three types of lasagnas and one bake macaroni for my sister, nephew, and I to share.  I’ve always loved their beef and chicken lasagna so understandably it’s a default order.  The Beef Lasagna has always been savory with distinctive meaty taste which I love. The pasta was al dente while the cheese was generous. I swear I could eat this beef lasagna all day.


The Chicken Lasagna on the other hand was equally satisfying in terms of flavor and serving portion.  It has milder flavor as compare to the beef variant but the generosity in cheese are the same.  I’ve tried other chicken lasagnas from other restaurants and I must say that there still nothing compares to the one that House of Lasagna dishes out.

My sister loves carbonara pasta so I decided to order for Carbonara Lasagna as well.  I love that there are generous bacon slices and the creamy sauce and the cheese were extremely satisfying. My sister loved it so much that it was gone in no time.


My 3-year old nephew is a very picky eater and we were surprised that he was able to finish his share of Baked Macaroni and even asked for more right after.  House of Lasagna’s own rendition of the dish tasted unique as compare to the usual baked mac that I am used too. It was definitely not your run-of-the-mill bake mac because you can really taste that good quality cheese was used.

I am really glad that we were able to enjoy our mini bonding session over great movies and delectable food from House of Lasagna. I appreciate the convenience that Quick Delivery provided. Indeed, home food delivery services are reliable option when it comes to providing food without the hassle of preparation.


Twoanyone.con (Quick Delivery) 
Contact No.: 2121212 
Text to call back: 0918-2121212

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