Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe

Of all the sweet native Filipino delicacies there is, I would have to say that Pastillas is definitely my favorite. I always admire it for its simplicity and delicately sweet taste. Pastillas recipe usually calls for sugar and milk, and that's it. While you cannot do much about it, you can have it toasted. Just like what MAJ Sweet Shoppe dishes out for their customers; Toasted Pastillas.

Pastillas, A Native Filipino Sweet Delicacy Pastillas Has Given A New Twist Through Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe
It was weeks back when I was given packs of Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe to try. Purist may say that pastillas should be delicately soft with just enough resistance to the bite for its sugar-laden outer covering. But then in Bulacan, one of the places I know that take their pastillas seriously, they do have this pastillas "tostado". This is pretty much the same thing.

Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe
MAJ Sweet Shoppe is a home based business owned by a lovely lady named Michelle Jacutina. It was way back in 2009 when she started making pastillas for her classmates while attending college. School responsibilities however served as a hindrance for Michelle to continue with this delicious hobby.

Fast forward to September of 2013, Michelle decided to take her passion for making pastillas on the different level by opening MAJ Sweet Shoppe. Although still home based, Michelle took advantage of the world wide web to slowly introduce her products.

Toasted Pastillas Covered with Crisp Sugar
By committing to continue her passion and to use premium ingredients for her pastillas, Michelle is slowly but surely gaining popularity among online sellers and buyers through her pastillas. She opened her door to re-sellers to widen the reach of the product since her business is located in Malolos City, Bulacan.

Sweet and Milky, Toasted Pastillas by MAJ Sweet Shoppe
Currently, MAJ Sweet Shoppe is selling two variants of pastillas; Creamy and Toasted. 

The Creamy Pastillas is the usual kind we are all familiar with. Soft and delicate, the kind that easily melts in the mouth. The Toasted variant however is foiled in toasted sugar which lends a slightly crisp outer covering.

Little Nuggets of Toasted Pastillas
Instead of the usual cylindrical shape, these pastillas are shaped into mini nuggets making it easier to just pop into mouth. While the taste is impressive in itself, the smell adds an enticing flair making it all the more delicious.

MAJ Sweet Shoppe's Toasted Pastillas is priced at Php125 per pack, but they also have a special pricing for whole sale. Entrepreneurs who want to resell their products are also welcome.

MAJ Sweet Shoppe, Seller of Toasted Pastillas

MAJ Sweet Shoppe
San Pablo, Malolos City,
Contact Person: Michelle Jacutina
Contact Number: 0905-2635040
Facebook Page: /majsweetshoppe

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