WeChat: Giving Away an iPad Air This Valentine Season!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Having fun yet? I know most of us are feeling already extra special this day of hearts. Thanks to our loved ones who never fail to brighten our days huh. And thanks to the evolving generation that we are in now because Valentines Day is no longer exclusive to those who are in a relationship (read: coupledom). I have no significant other, but I sure am having a blast today, and I sincerely hope that you are too.

That is right, for me and I am hoping that for most of us, Valentines is a celebration of all things we love the most. Family, friends, significant other, pets, food, and even things that we love dearly. Reason to be equally thankful for is the fact that we are now in this day and age wherein communication is possible even if your loved ones are million miles away. Take for instance this innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users called WeChat.

WeChat App, an effective Smartphones application to communicate
For sure, most of us would love to get in touch with out loved ones located somewhere around the globe especially today that is a Valentines Day. WeChat can make that happen for us, for free. All we need is the proverbial internet connection and we’re good to go.

WeChat is an innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users
In a nutshell, WeChat is a free downloadable app that can run on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Phone OS. This app will let you add people to your network friends via a wide range of innovative actions and methods, including scanning QR codes, connecting users’ phone books and activating location-based functions such as “People Nearby” and “Shake”.  The platform enhances social interaction by supporting exchanging of text, voice and video, stickers, and photos with their friends over data networks or under Wi-Fi environments.  

Personally, I love apps like this because it takes our form of communication to a different level. The olden days could only let us call and text using our mobile phones, but apps like WeChat could let us explore communication way further. We can either communicate one-on-one with our friends or we can also communicate within the close network we can create.

WeChat is free for download from app stores running on Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone operating systems

Now this season of hearts, our friends at WeChat is feeling generous so they have come up with a contest called “Photo with my Valentine.” This contest boast of an iPad Air for a prize, how’s that for generosity?

So let me share with you how you can bag this prize and be extra extra happy and gay this Valentines season.

-    Post a photo of your Valentine on Facebook and include the tag #WeLove @WeChatPH.
-    Your Valentine does not necessarily have to be your significant other. (Hurray for us singles!) It can be any of your loved ones, pets, or anything you love.
-    Photo with most “Like” and “Share” will win the much coveted iPad Air.
-    Most Creative Photo, Most Touching Photo, and Sweetest Photo on the other hand will win a 1,000 Diamonds on Gunz Dash.

WeChat Valentines Day 2014 Promo

Easy way to bag an iPad Air right? So what are you waiting for? I am pretty sure that this special day warrants a lot of photo taking for all its worth, so let us put our creative flair in photography to good use and who knows, that iPad Air can be yours.

Also, I encourage you to download WeChat app on your Smartphones because it’s not just useful but fun as well. While you’re at it, you may add me to your contacts by scanning this QR Code below. Let’s chat and talk about food, okay?

YedyLicious on WeChat

Website: www.wechat.com
Facebook: /WeChatPH
Twitter: @WeChatPH

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