Plan Party in Five Days Through WeChat

Are you one of those who loves to plan party? I am not talking about one-thousand-guests-big-event-kind-of-party though, I am referring to the usual chill out party amongst you and your friends. I do. I love cooking and having friends around to feast on the dishes I prepared. These small parties used to be my usual weekend fix especially when I was in college and early on my corporate world stint. I also love having staycation on some hotels with my friends and just have a good time over food and shared stories. Then I got busy and rarely got the liberty of time to plan parties again. So, for a time, I stopped creating these little parties because I cannot afford to deal with stress that party planning entails. But then there’s a comeback.

Enter WeChat.

WeChat Mobile App Can Help You Plan a Party with Your Friends
Yes, the mobile app I have been talking about here on my blog for the past few weeks. WeChat and planning parties, what’s the connection you ask. Well, by the time that I am writing this I am cooking a party, a small gathering over food with my old time friends that will happen in five days. Yes, party planning in five days is now possible. With the help of WeChat.

I wish I could share with you my own experience on planning a party in limited amount of time but like what I said, I am still in the process of going through this challenge myself. Therefore, I deem it is best to just share with you some words from our friends at WeChat on how to plan a party in five days with the use of WeChat.  

Day 1: Assemble the team
Every bash needs a core group of planners. For this, you can count on WeChat’s Friend Radar feature which automatically scans other users within the vicinity and gives you the option to add them to your contact list with one tap of their images. This crosses out the fuss of having to exchange little details and gives you liberty to carry on chatting with them. Then, you can use Group Messaging to gather the gang simply by opening “Chats”, tapping the wand button, and selecting the contacts who you want to add in the group. Riding on the rush, you can immediately decide on a theme, location, and date for your party through text and voice messaging, and photo, audio, and video-sharing. Also, you can begin delegating assignments—one for securing the place, one for compiling playlists, a couple for crafting decors, and more for whipping up spreads and drinks for the night’s booze cruise.

Day 2: Cross your checklists
Once the tasks are set, the team can now maximize Day 2 by breaking up to complete the party to-dos. All members can easily update one another through Group Messaging, and even add suppliers to the chat as the process goes along. What’s more, rallying everyone for emergency meet-ups is made trouble free by WeChat’s location-sharing feature. Do the décor-makers need a hand with transporting supplies from Dapitan Market to Makati? No problem. WeChat will identify their real-time location and generate a map which they can post in the group chat for the team’s reference.

Day 3: Spread the word
After making things happen during Day 2, this time should be allotted for letting people know about the gathering. The planning team can post photo or video invites via Moments, and even generate maps for the convenience of the guests. Monitoring head count also becomes easier as people can confirm their attendance as soon as they receive their invites.

Day 4: Tidy up the edges
By this time, the planning stage should be 75% done. With the set-up, supplies, and guests in place, the core group can now proceed with last-minute touch-ups before the actual celebration. This includes going over and finalizing the checklist, which the team can do via group chat.

Day 5: Begin the party pre-game
A party that’s 99% done shouldn’t leave the planners just waiting for the big night to come. Get guests excited by blasting teasers about the celebration—whether through photo mood boards that remind them what to wear or through music videos that make them get into the theme of the bash.

About WeChat
        WeChat is an innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users.  WeChat is free for download from app stores running on Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone operating systems*.  It is the most downloaded mobile social app in many markets with more than 100 million registered accounts in international markets.

        WeChat users can add friends via a wide range of innovative actions and methods, including scanning QR codes, connecting users’ phone books and activating location-based functions such as “People Nearby” and “Shake”.  The platform enhances social interaction by supporting exchanging of text, voice and video, stickers, and photos with their friends over data networks or under Wi-Fi environments.  Users can choose to communicate one-on-one, or within their closed social network through “Moments”. WeChat also comes with comprehensive privacy setting functions, which enables user to tailor their security level as needed.

        For more details and application download, please visit
*Some features are limited to certain operating systems due to the product development cycle.

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