WeChat: Of Storage and History Backup

I have this thing about storage devices. Because really, wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could stash and keep away our things for future usage? Like say for instance, food. I am a fan of those nifty storage containers we can by from the market. I love its usability and the fact that it helps me keep things and food in my pantry organize made me love it all the more. 

And this affinity for storage extends to most important things in life. I am a photographer, hence, heavy duty external hard drive is a must for safekeeping the photos I shoot for my clients. I am a blogger, so I appreciate online services that can back up datas from my blog. As for mobile conversation through chat, I am happy that WeChat has History Backup feature that enables user to save their conversations histories and restores them to any device for up to seven (7) days.

Food Storage Solutions
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know for a fact that I am a WeChat user. I use it both for personal and business purposes. And I couldn’t stress enough how WeChat features help me in my line of work and day to day life. One of the features that I find indispensable is this History Backup.

Working as a freelancer, I tend to deal with numbers of clients in one day. Since my photography studio and kitchen are at home, most of the transactions are done through mobile phone, specifically WeChat (Did I mentioned that I most of my clients have converted into WeChat already?) So I appreciate that I could save some conversations with clients through WeChat’s cloud storage solution and refer to it later on while I can move on to the next client.

Backing up chat conversation through WeChat is relatively easy. I do it all the time. So, in case you’ll wasn’t to use this effective data storage for your conversation at WeChat, here’s how:

First, click on "Settings" > "General" > "Chat History Backup" and then clicking “Back Up” for the conversations you’d like to store.

Second, once you’ve saved your chats, you can protect them by setting a password.

Third, to restore your conversations on any device, simply log on and tap “Restore” on the Chat History Backup window. The backed-up history will be restored to your device from the server.

It is THAT easy, I tell you.

I could think of a thousand and one reasons for back reading your stored conversation; 

- remembering important dates
- getting the grocery list your mom sent you thru chat
- going through the list of restaurants you should try that your foodie friend sent you
- going back to the lies your ex-lover promised you and remembering the reason why you need to move on (admit it, we all do it.)
- reviewing conversations with frenemies for some blackmail-potential materials you could unearth from your conversation (I am kidding! I am kidding! Strive for world peace, people. The Universe will love you back.) 

The list goes on and on and WeChat History Backup through cloud storage is can help us on this league.

I love how WeChat is all about making its users’ lives easier. I for one can attest to that (If I have not proven that enough). So if you have not downloaded WeChat mobile app into your phone, I suggest that you do now by checking out more information and details on their website www.wechat.com.

Webpage: http://www.wechat.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/WeChatPH
Twitter: @WeChatPH

About WeChat
        WeChat is an innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users.  WeChat is free for download from app stores running on Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone operating systems*.  It is the most downloaded mobile social app in many markets with more than 100 million registered accounts in international markets.

        WeChat users can add friends via a wide range of innovative actions and methods, including scanning QR codes, connecting users’ phone books and activating location-based functions such as “People Nearby” and “Shake”.  The platform enhances social interaction by supporting exchanging of text, voice and video, stickers, and photos with their friends over data networks or under Wi-Fi environments.  Users can choose to communicate one-on-one, or within their closed social network through “Moments”. WeChat also comes with comprehensive privacy setting functions, which enables user to tailor their security level as needed.

        For more details and application download, please visit www.wechat.com
*Some features are limited to certain operating systems due to the product development cycle.

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