Word of Advice When Reading Rogue Magazine's Appetite Issue

Friends, I got a word of advice for all of you. When planning to read Rogue Magazine’s Appetite Issue (May Issue) consider hoarding all the best food you can get. The more food the better. Then with your food on hand, set aside ample of time where no one may disturb you so that you may read the magazine to your heart’s content.

Trust me on this. Especially on the hoarding of food part. Because once you started reading the hunger-inducing Rogue Magazine’s Appetite Issue, you will salivate like there’s no tomorrow. I am speaking based on personal experience. My only fault was, I read the thing on a lazy morning which contagious indolence permeates my entire being that I could not muster enough courage to cook a decent breakfast meal, so I settled for a simple toast and butter with coffee.

Wrong freaking move.

Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue May 2014

For their appetite issue this month of May, Rogue Magazine is peppered with loads of food-related article that will, like what I have said, make you salivate and be well-informed to the latest food trend in Manila and then some. This month's cover is that of beautiful model Isabel Roces photographed by the extremely talented photographer, Neil Oshima. 

This is Oshima's first magazine cover shoot for over a decade, and the story revolves around food, art, and photography. Oshima played with Halman's idea of suspension wherein he captured food items in mid-air. I deem this article should not be missed by photography enthusiast as it features an impressive technique that is really inspiring.

Neil Oshima and Isabel Roces for Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

A 28-page insider's guide about today's food trend is what Manila Eats! is all about. This is specifically the part where my cravings hit the ceiling and made me want to run out of the door to grab all the food I can get. 

Manila Eats, Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

Also in this special section, newest Rogue's Dishes. Rogue is known to extend its brand into food by collaborating with the most talented and well-celebrated food businesses in the Metro. This month, three new Rogue dishes hit the market; The Rogue Cupcake (collaboration with Sonja Ocampo of Sonja's Cupcake), The Rogue Magnum (Chef Miko Aspiras of Magnum Cafe), and The Rogue Sandwich (Margarita Fores of Cibo).

Rogue Dishes

One of my personal favorite section of the issue is "A Sunday in the Country" in which Neil Oshima showcases his photography of the French Atlantic Coast including Britanny, North Basque Country along the Atlantic Pyrenees. More of a photo essay than a full-length article, A Sunday in the Country made me feel I was flipping pages of Saveur Magazine more than anything. 

A Sunday in the Country, Photography by Neil Oshima, Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

Teddy Locsin Jr. dishes out his thoughts on the persistent tradition of fine dining. Also a thought provoking piece. I love his witty comparison between fine dining and pornography. While his thoughts about degustacion, I share the same beliefs. I would love to expound on it, but I suggest you read the article yourself and see if you agree.

Pardon My French by Teddy Locsin Jr for Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

The Late Shift features five culinary personalities which most of us adore. Little interviews about the dishes these personalities created, their favorite late night grub, and their usual dining destination after their long hours in the kitchen.

The Late Shift, Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

There are other article in Rogue Magazine's Appetite Issue which I really like, one of them is the piece The Perils of Eating Seriously written by Poalo Lorenzana. Gutsy and though-provoking article that I deem every food bloggers like myself should read. Although it should be taken with an open mind since it is an honest opinion of a diner which all of us are entitled to. 

Isabel Roces for Rogue Magazine

It will take me the entire day to write about how I adore this new issue of Rogue Magazine so I'd better stop here. I just encourage you all, food-loving citizen of this country to grab a copy of Rogue Magazine's Appetite Issue with Isabel Roces on the cover. It is available to all leading bookstore and magazine stand. 

Also, do not imitate me by settling with food that is on bare minimum. Ill bout of craving will smack you hard right on your face.

So, take my advice. Grab loads of food before reading this issue, you can thank me later.

Rogue Magazine Appetite Issue

Rogue Magazine
Website: rogue.ph
Facebook page: /rogue.magazine
Twitter: @rogueonline

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