Coco Natura Coco Sugar and Coco Jam: Nature's Finest Sweetener, a Healthy Alternative to Sugar

Do you have a sweet tooth? I do. And honestly, while consuming sugary treats can induce guilt that is not easy do deal with, sugar is something I cannot completely eliminate in my diet. Sure I have tried artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes widely available in the market. Yet, the problem with these things is that I never liked the taste. For some reason, it always left an after-taste in my mouth that made me feel like I ate chemicals/synthetic. It’s always been a dilemma. So when I was asked to sample Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, I agreed in the hope that I might finally find a healthy alternative to sugar which taste I would like.

Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, is a healthy alternative to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners which is made from 100% organic coconut sap. It is said to be produced with minimal processing to assure that majority of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acid in the coconut sap will remain intact, making it way healthier to consume than the usual sugar and other sweeteners. It is also said that Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, is free from additives, artificial flavorings, and anti-fermenting agents.  This can be the best bet for people who has diabetes or those who want to eliminate the harmful effects of sugar in their bodies.

Coco Natura Coco Sugar and Coco Jam

Now, there are other coconut sugars available in the market, but not all brands are the same. Coco Natura boasts of the fact that they do not blend their coconut sugar with additives or flavorings.  They stand by the fact that theirs are made from freshly harvested and organically grown coconut sap which hails from the Southern part of the Philippines.  The quality of their product gained them various certifications, proof that they are doing a great job in producing nature’s finest sweetener.

Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar 250g pack

Coco Natura also ensures that their Coco Sugar has a low Glycemic Index (IG) of 35 only, hence does not have a bad effect on body's blood sugar making it safe to consume even by diabetic patients. Note that low IG-diet is associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, metabolic problems, and other risky health threats. 

Coco Natura Organic Coco Sugar

With some research and consultations to some of my friends in the medical field, I figured that coconut sugar is indeed a healthy alternative to sugar made out of sugar cane. The fact that Coco Natura made sure that their product is processed in such a way that the health benefits are not reduced into tiny proportion is comforting. I also love the fact that by supporting this product, I am also supporting local farmers here in the country. 

Coconut Sugar in sachets

Now, as for the taste, Coco Natura's Coco Sugar is way way better than the artificial sweeteners I have tried before. It does not have the chemical-taste which I hated so much in my sugar. The coconut taste is still there when you take it as it is. When used in coffee or tea, which I did, the coconut taste was gone and it left only a sweet taste I expected. It is said that this coconut sugar can also be used in baking and cooking food, that, I will still yet to try.

Coco Natura Coco Jam

Aside from Coco Sugar, Coco Natura also boasts of their Coco Jam made from 100% natural ingredients. I tried this jam just once and I am happy with its thick consistency and impressive flavor that didn't gave me severe fear of health risk. I must say that this Coco Natura Coco Jam deserve a separate blog post of its own because it's really good.

Coco Natura Healthy Coconut Jam

Needles to say, I am happy with Coco Natura's Coconut Sugar. My dilemna about finding a healthy alternative to sugar is finally put to rest because in terms of health benefits and taste, Coco Natura gained my nod of approval. I have no point of comparison since I have not tried other coconut sugar in the market yet, but in the meantime, I am satisfied with Coco Natura.

Coco Natura's Coco Sugar is available in 250g packs, 1kg packs, and Box of 50 sachets (5g ea) while the Coco Jam is available in 330g jar and 45g mini-jar. Its exclusive distributor is Los Ricos Compania Corporation.

Coco Natura | Coco Sap Sugar 

Facebook: /ilovecoconatura

Exclusively distributed by:
Los Ricos Compania Corporation
2102 B/C 21st Floor Philippines Stock Exchange
Contact No.: (632) 6311032/34

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