9 Peso Ebi Tempura and Other Promos for SumoSam's 9th Anniversary!

Recently, I got a good news from SumoSam which I think well worth sharing. In line with their 9th Anniversary Celebration happening of December 23, 2014, SumoSam is dishing out three exciting promos. These promos are SumoSam's way of saying "Thank You!" to their patrons whose support and love for their brand since 2005 continue to this day.

9 Peso SumoSam's Ebi Tempura, One Year Supply of Ebi Tempura, and an Ipad are the things we could all look forward to.

Read on for the mechanics of these three exciting promos by SumoSam.

1.)  9th Anniversary P9 Ebi Tempura  

On December 23, 2014, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sumo Sam is offering its popular Ebi Tempura at only Php9 each. Diners can avail of this 9 Peso Ebi Tempura up to 9 pcs. each. Doing so will entitle diners to get a chance to win one year supply of Ebi Tempura. Mechanics indicated on the photo below.

2.)  9th Birthday Treat

If your name is Sam and your birthday is December 23, 2014,  you will get a chance to win one-year supply of Ebi Tempura. All it takes is proof of you name and age for a chance to get your Ebi fix. More information about this promo can be read on the photo below.

3.) Capture It To Win It

In this day and age when people takes photo of their food before digging in, SumoSam is encouraging people to join the bandwagon for a chance to win an Ipad. All you have to do is to ask your server for the Sumo Sam food flag, then capture your favorite Sumo Sam dishes and upload them on your Facebook and Instagram accounts for a chance to take home an Ipad.

I, myself is excited for this promos and I am guessing you are too. So, head on to your nearest SumoSam outlet and start taking photos of your food. Then on  the 23rd of December, don't forget to order their 9 Peso Ebi Tempura and tag along those whose birthday falls on the same date as SumoSam's.

The best of luck to everyone!

Happy 9th Anniversary, SumoSam!

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