Hello Again! [ Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter, Bacon Bits, and Honey Recipe ]

It is my first post here at YedyLicious for 2015 and already I am talking about this easy breakfast recipe of Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter, Bacon Bits, and Honey. Not to get ahead of myself, but I have the option to start this year writing about recent restaurants I have been to or to share this recipe.

I choose the latter with paltry justification that this simple breakfast finds its way to my routine during the blog sabbatical I took recently.

I choose the latter because it feels right to remind myself to stick to my guns for the shape of things to come.

Easy Breakfast Recipe Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter Bacon Bits and Honey YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
January of last year I almost bid adieu to blogging. Explaining would only lead to long narratives peppered with unspoken regrets and unrealized truths, so let us just leave it at that. All I know that is that everything seems crowded with forced art in different forms and declarations devoid of my personal trademark.

I longed for a blank canvas.

I gave myself a year to think and just crawl through the usual like a man who hopes every waking hour for love - but know at the back of his mind that it will never come.

It wasn’t a flower-strewn path. I sighed often.

Losing track of your own path due to myriad of roads that lie ahead is a sad thing. Saddest is losing track of your own path because you gave your map away. No mistakes, only lessons learned. Thou shall not give your map away.

I am speaking in metaphor because outright declaration falls to the unsavory side of the spectrum – and tends to be hurtful. But those who noticed the lost stories and forgotten poetries will understand.

Right now, it is time to shake off the dust and reclaim the blank canvas.

Without an apology.

Easy Breakfast Recipe Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter Bacon Bits and Honey YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Recipe: Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter,  Bacon Bits, and Honey

The thing I love about pancakes is that it can be a blank canvas. Whip up a batch or two and throw in whatever toppings that tickle your fancy. In my case, I was recently introduced to this new brand of Almond Butter called Juggernut which I will be writing about soon, so I used it often lately to try. Bacon is a staple breakfast fare in our household and honey is always a good accompaniment to pancakes.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup corn meal
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1 egg
2 Tbsp oil ( I prefer canola oil)
1 1/2 cups milk
Butter for the pan

Almond Butter
Fried Bacon Bits

- Combine flour, corn meal, baking powder, and sugar in a large bowl.
- In a separate bowl, beat together the egg, salt, and oil until well combined. Add it to the flour mixture, add milk, and mix until combined.
- In a non-stick pan or skillet set to medium heat, melt a pat of butter.
- Put 1/4 cup of pancake batter mixture to the pan. (I usually use 1/4 cup but it depends on the size of pancake you are aiming for)
- Flip the pancake once it starts to bubble. Cook to golden brown.
- When cooked, add a generous spread of almond butter, sprinkle with bacon bits, then drizzle with honey. 

Easy Breakfast Recipe Mini Pancakes with Almond Butter Bacon Bits and Honey YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

I used to enjoy pre-made pancake batter you can get in the grocery stores simply because it's convenient. But there is a beauty in making it from scratch especially if I have the liberty of time to do so. And this recipe works for me. The toppings as I said, varies depending on my cravings and availability of ingredients. So, feel free to experiment. Remember, this pancake is a blank canvas, it is up to you to create your own edible art.

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