Shakey's Pizza Philippines Conquers Guinness World Records [And Then Some Family Feast]

Shakey’s Pizza Philippines, in celebration of its 40th year, is proud to announce that they recently conquered the Guinness World Records!  Now this good news relayed to us by some of our friends from Shakey’s Philippines I deem well worth sharing. So let me give you some brief info about this awesome news before I head straight to the recent visit I had at Shakey’s Pizza.

The challenge which comes from The Guinness World Records and The History Channel is all about eating a 12 inch pizza in the fastest amount of time. With the aid of one brave soul named Kevin Medina, a Shakey’s Pizza aficionado, they were able to beat the existing record and emerged on top.

Shakey's Pizza Philippines On Guinness World Record. Shakey's Pizza Family Meal Deal Bundle
Kevin Medina, a Shakey’s Pizza aficionado finished a 12 inch cheese flavored thin crust pizza in a record breaking 23.62 seconds beating the former record holder Peter Czerwinski in 41.31 seconds.

The challenge was not a walk in the park since there were numerous rounds of elimination that Kevin had to go through. In the end, his amazing appetite and courageous heart bagged the title and is now a World Record holder. Who wouldn’t be proud of this guy, right?

Guinness World Record / Shakey's Philippines / Kevin Medina
Now on to the feast.

Although Shakey's is one of those pizza places I frequent to, I realized that it was way back 2011 when I last wrote about a dining experience at this favorite pizza parlor. So I figured why not do it again today?

Dining at Shakey's Pizza with my family always poised an easy breezy experience for us since we pretty much know what to order from the get go. And I am sure those whose family is also a fan of Shakey's Group Meal Bundles could understand.

Meal Group Bundles at Shakey's
We are five in the family (at least those who are living in our household) and the Shakey's Fammily Meal Deal No. 2 is just perfect for us. We usually get this when dining at Shakey's. If anyone of us fancy other items on the menu not included on the deal we chose, then we could just simply add the ala carte orders.

On the table:

Basket of Belgian Fries (Php170) This is not included on Deal 2 but we always have to have this because my 6-year old nephew love Shakey's Belgian fries to the core. He can finished an entire basket and I cannot really blame him because these fries are really good.

Parmessan Fries at Shakey's
Caesar Salad (Php200/Family Size) - My parents cannot live without their greens, hence, an order of salad is also a must. This is also not included on the set but we always find it well worth to be added on our feast.

Caesar Salad at Shakey's
Family Meal Deal No. 2 (Php1,205)

Chicken and Mojos Buddy Pack ~ this pack is comprised of 5 pieces of Shakey's breaded chicken and a bunch of the delicious and highly addicting Mojos. Aside from the pizza, it is impossible to visit Shakey's without having their Mojos because hey, this is one of the things that they are known for after all.

Chicken and Mojo's
Carbonara Platter ~ One may choose whether to have spaghetti platter or carbonara platter. Since I always favor cream-based pastas, carbonara is usually our default order.

Shakey's Carbonara
Garlic Bread Basket ~ When dealing with pasta, I cannpt simply do without these crisp and crunchy and warm buttery basket of good bread.

Garlic Bread
Large Thin Crust Pizza -we always got ours in two different flavors. Usually it's a combination of Manager's Choice because it's my all-time favorite and Pepperoni because my nephew is crazy about it.

Shakey's Pizza
As I mentioned countless of times before, I am not a big fan of thick crust pizza, so Shakey's Thin Crust is always. always a winner for me.

Managers Choice Shakey's Pizza
Pepperoni Shakey's Pizza
Pitcher of Iced Tea ~ home brewed iced tea with hint of lemon and perhaps tamarind(?) I am not sure. What I am sure however is that it is one of my favorite Iced Tea next to the one that Wendy's is selling.

Iced Tea Shakey's
Mug of Beer (Php82.00) ~ Pizza and beer. Chicken and beer. Seriously, you just got to have a mug of iced cold beer when dealing with pizza and chicken. Provided that you're of legal age and knows how to drink in moderation of course.

Ice Cold Beer Shakey's
So there, simple feast but downright satisfying. It felt like somehow we celebrated with Shakey's recent victory and it was good. It was all good. 

And oh, Congratulations Shakey's Philippines and Mr. Kevin Medina

Shakey's Pizza Parlor
For more information, LIKE Shakey’s Pizza on Facebook and FOLLOW @shakeysph on Instagram.

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