Swift Premium Corned Beef: Slow-Cooked and Cured to Perfection #MmmTakesTime

Recently I got a package filled with Swift Premium Corned Beef for me to try. It is said that it boasts of slow-cooked and cured to perfection process that makes the beef not just downright tender but impressively flavorful as well. Sounds promising.

I live in the mountain and slow cooking is pretty much common here not just to wile away time but to ensure the quality and flavor of food as well. So it is safe to say that although not religiously, it is still something I advocate.  So I have high hopes not to mention expectation for this product. 

Swift Premium Corned Beef Slow Cooked and Cured To Perfection

Honestly, this is my first time to try Swift brand for my corned beef fix. I have few favorites and my family is pretty much loyal to the local brand we have been using. But as with some things in life, it wouldn't hurt to try something new - as a matter of fact, it can be rewarding at times.

Swift Corned Beef Canned Good

One of the main things why I sometimes resort to canned goods is the convenience it brings. I can be pretty clumsy when dealing with can openers especially the manual ones. So, I appreciate those that comes in an easy-to-open can just like the Swift Premium Corned Beef. 

Swift Corned Beef Easy-To-Open Can

Upon opening a can, I was greeted with a savory aroma of beef which undoubtedly makes me hungry. I also noticed that the beef inside was quite chunky not infested with red food coloring that other corned beef in the market has. It looks legit and not scary at all.


I could imagine plenty of recipes I could use this corned beef for, but for the first try, I cooked it in the more usual way just to check the goodness of the meat. I intentionally break the chunks into strands because that's how I like my corned beef. I sauteed it in onion and garlic - just straight up comfort food.

And it was good.

Slow-Cooked Swift Corned Beef

The flavor is indeed that of a slow-cooked meat because the savory taste is very apparent in every strand. Although it is not Angus, it is quite obvious that a good quality beef is used in making this product. Again the aroma is something really noteworthy about Swift Premium Corned Beef.

All-in-all, I like Swift Premium Corned Beef. I am not giving up on my favorite brand but this one is surely a welcome option since its price is really affordable at Php80 for 210g.

Swift Premium Corned Beef

Swift Premium Corned Beef
Contact No.: (02) 637-1033
Email: feedback@centurypacific.com.ph
Facebook: /SwiftPremium
Instagram: @mmmswift

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