Salted Caramel Cupcake by Dishanel

I have already written about Dishanel's cookies and cupcakes before but after having a taste of her Salted Caramel Cupcake, I knew a repeat appearance here on the blog was called for. A box of these babies was delivered to our house one day as a gift because someone in the family was celebrating a birthday. 

I was not asked to blog about this. Yet, I don't think I could quiet my conscience knowing that I have found a little gem of a cupcake and did not even bother to share it here at YedyLicious. So I am giving this one a go.

Salted Caramel Cupcake by Dishanel
And I am giving several other blog posts a go in due course because past celebrations were made all the more special with Dishanel's creations (think customized cake which is actually the specialty of Dishanel). We will get there, you'll see. In the meantime, this Salted Caramel Cupcake.

Dark Chocolate and Salted Caramel Cupcake
The thing about Salted Caramel that hinders me from enjoying it as much as I could love to is its tendency to become cloying after a bite or two. Dishanel's version does not have that kind of effect on me. I like it so much I could lick the entire caramel off the cupcake like its nobody's business and I swear there will be no strand of guilt.

Salted Caramel Cupcake
But then again, the dark chocolate cake was too good to be overshadowed by the salted caramel gloriously sitting atop. When it comes to cupcakes, nothing irritates me more than a dry cake. It's a mortal sin and I have had too many of it to last me a lifetime I could puke just by the mere thought of it.

Dishanel's cupcake is perfectly moist with flavor that screams dark-chocolate-in-your-face. No pun intended, it's just really good I couldn't think of a better word nor craft something for it. 

Dishanel's Heavenly Homabaked Cakes and Pastries
Dishanel's Heavenly Homebaked Cakes and Pastries accepts orders thru their Facebook page. Last time I checked, there's a lot of orders coming in especially with the Christmas season already on the horizon. So I suggest that if you are interested, place your order right away as to avoid the holiday rush. This can be a perfect gift and giveaways to your loved ones.

Dishanel's Heavenly Homabaked Cakes and Pastries
Contact No.: 0927-534-2387
Facebook: /dishanels
Instagram: @dishnelhomebakedgoodies

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