Kumori Signature Cheese Tart @kumoriph #biteintoclouds

There is no stopping Kumori from creating downright delectable breads and pastries, that's a fact. Now they are into it again as they launched their new product, Kumori Signature Cheese Tart. Remaining true to its tag line, biting into these tarts is like biting into clouds - a cheese flavored one at that.

Kumori is one of the food brands which I have blogged about for a number of times already. Because truth is, I am really a fan and it is always on top of my highly recommended list.

Kumori Signature Cheese Tart YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas
The released of their Signature Cheese Tart only cemented the fact that Kumori has really a special place in my heart. They always make me happy, you guys. And I am sure a lot of fellow fans can relate.

Beautiful packaging of Kumori Signature Cheese Tart
What makes this cheese tart really special is the fact that it is made by Kumori. I think that alone holds enough merit for this new product to be given the spotlight it deserves. But then, there are more things to be said and loved about Kumori Signature Cheese Tart besides my confidence to the brand.

Decadent and delicious Kumori Signature Cheese Tart
First, I love that there is a perfect balance of flavor. The tart shell has a subtle sweetness to it. Yes, the shell alone is already flavorful unlike some of the tart shells I have tried which screams i-am-made-of-flour-y'all from the get go. It crumbles ever so lightly in a bite but sturdy enough to hold its filling.

Kumori Signature Cheese Tart goes perfectly with black coffee
Second, the cheesy filling. If you are familiar with the taste of Kumori's Hanjuko Cheese, it sort of reminds me of that, only this one has a lot more depth in flavor. The taste is not the kind that will slap you with cheese-on-yer-face kind of flavor profile, rather the taste is very delicate. 

HIghly addictive Kumori Signature Cheese Tart
This one is highly addictive as opposed to most tarts I've tried which I find cloying after couple of bites. So a piece for me is not enough, with cheese tart as good as this, I think one will never be enough.

Kumori Signature Cheese Tart YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas
To know more about Kumori Signature Cheese Tart, you may check out their Facebook ( /kumoriph), Instagram (@kumoriph), and Twitter (@kumoriph). You may use the hashtag #biteintoclouds to join the conversation.

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