Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie

Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie is back and internet is going crazy about it. But while it's announcement has been shared on Facebook numerous times, people are skeptic about it thinking that it might be one of those false news circulating. Some friends and readers of this blog even sent me emails just to confirm if the news is indeed true when it started popping on their news feed since last May 8. 

So I went to the nearest Jollibee branch last Monday to check if the buzz was true. Upon confirming, I sent a group reply to those who have asked and now I am writing about it because quite honestly, it was the first time that I have tried this Choco Mallow Pie by Jollibee.
Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie Blog Review Price Where to Buy Jollibee  Menu Branches Promo Delivery Hotline Party Commercial Recipe Philippines Best Fast Food Chain YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
I might be living under the rock in the past because I cannot, for the love of all things yummy, remember that there ever was a Choco Mallow Pie at Jollibee. Perhaps because I am and still a loyalist of their Peach Mango Pie? I am not sure. I did an online research about the Choco Mallow Pie in the past and even that yields no result save for some forum that says it was no good.

Where was I when Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie was launched in the past, I do not know. I am failing at being a responsible food blogger on that aspect, dare I say. But let me make up for it. 

Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie Blog Review Price Where to Buy Jollibee  Menu Branches Promo Delivery Hotline Party Commercial Recipe Philippines Best Fast Food Chain YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

I read somewhere that Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie has a cult following in the past despite the fact that this seasonal item disappears rather quickly. That means it must be good even then. I also learned that this year, Jollibee makes their Choco Mallow Pie even more improved. Since I have not tasted the Choco Mallow Pie before, I really cannot tell the difference.

Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie Blog Review Price Where to Buy Jollibee  Menu Branches Promo Delivery Hotline Party Commercial Recipe Philippines Best Fast Food Chain YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
What I can tell however, is that today's Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie is good. Sort of reminds me of Smores Pie I make sans the Graham Cracker. The crust that envelops the combination of marshmallow and dark & milk chocolate is chocolate-colored making the entire pie perfect for those who are crazy about chocolate. 

Some say that the size is a tad disappointing for the price. Personally, I am okay with the size since I deem that if it gets any bigger, it might end up to be a bit cloying due to its sweetness. The ratio of chocolate to marshmallow is just perfect. And while it is best eaten warm, I find that it still taste great when its temperature cool down a bit. Just a bit, when the chocolate is still slightly melted and the marshmallow, gooey. 

Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie Blog Review Price Where to Buy Jollibee  Menu Branches Promo Delivery Hotline Party Commercial Recipe Philippines Best Fast Food Chain YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie was said to be officially launched in Luzon last May 8 and will be launched in Visayas and Mindanao this coming May 29. Choco Mallow Pie is priced at Php32.00 solo and Php89 for a set of 3 Pies-to-Go.

How about you, have you tried Jollibee Choco Mallow Pie in the past? How does it compare to today's Choco Mallow Pie. Would love to hear your thoughts on it! Feel free to comment below.

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