Loving Weekends with McDonald's PH McDelivery #LoveWeekendzzz #McDelivery

Weekend is upon us and you know what I love most about weekends? It’s staying all day at home doing whatever that tickles my fancy. For instance, basking in the glory of finishing three thick books in a row, catching up on my favorite American TV series, gulping a 16-episode Asian drama in one go, or cleaning my room by throwing accumulated shits in the hope to successfully lead a minimalist lifestyle.

Funny thing is, most of the people who gets to know me cannot believe that I am homebody to the core. It puzzles people that being single and relatively young - as I have been told, I rarely go out. It puzzles them that the idea of staying at home after work week excites the hell out of me. 

McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
Also, since I am a blogger with freelance job as a stylist and moonlights as a photographer, people have this preconceived notion that there is never a weekend when I am not out to look for adventure and new things to try. 

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Well, the truth is, given my profession and blogging gig on the side, I do fun and sometimes adventurous stuff as part of work. So, when it is time to rest, I rest. Which means I steer clear from doing the usual things I do which includes traveling, eating out, and even cooking since that’s what I often do when I am developing recipes for clients. 

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In addition, given the weather we are experiencing lately, who would want to ever leave their home? Certainly not I, especially when foggy road would only lead me back to my bed just like the snapshot of this view from my window suggests. 

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That’s when staying at home on weekends proves cathartic, and that’s when home food delivery services are most appreciated. Specifically, McDonald’s McDelivery.

Yes, I feel the need to mention that I am giving mighty mad props to McDelivery because it is one of the two – believe it or not, only two food delivery services that cater to our area in upper Antipolo. The other one is a pizza restaurant.

So yes, I love McDonald’s for not letting me feel deprived and so much away from civilization. 

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Having food delivered from McDonald’s to the comfort of one’s home is very fast, easy, and convenient. I normally use the McDelivery App I downloaded on my mobile phone when availing of this service since I find it most convenient to use. Otherwise, there’s also other ways like visiting mcdelivery.com.ph or calling 86-2-36.

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Just like recently. I invited my siblings with their kids to spent an afternoon with me while I throw a mini McDonald’s weekend party at home. My nephew and nieces, they all love McDonald’s. Since they have been very good at school and have been good at eating their veggies during the school week, I figured it is best time to reward them with an indulging day filled with their favorite food from McDo. 

A treat that even their parents have enjoyed because hey, it’s McDonald’s after all.

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
One of the good things about having McDelivery on a weekend with my siblings and their families is the fact that everyone of us love McDo. We all have our own favorites from their menu which assures that there’s always food for everyone.  

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
The kids have always been crazy about Chicken McDo which recent improvement I have mentioned in my previous blog post about Chicken McDo made me fall for it as well. It’s always the default meal option for their Happy Meals, needless to say. Yet, since we adults love the Chicken McDo as well, the McShare Box was a good option. 

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
The Chicken McDo McShare Box we ordered was good for four people and it contains 8 pieces Chicken McDo that comes with four rice, two BFF fries, and four drinks. The crisp chicken skin and the juiciness of its tender meat never fail to satisfy a fried chicken-lover in all of us. And that humongous BFF fries, it holds so much happiness for the kids, I tell you.

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For hefty eater such as myself and the guys in the family, Big Mac or Quarter Pounder if the way to go (funny how I categorized myself as part of the guys category in terms of appetite, no?) And seriously, what is McDonalds home party without Big Mac and Quarter Pounder – I cannot even imagine. These are default order – always.

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
And for some of us who are trying to dodge meat, they enjoyed McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish immensely. Honestly, I really appreciate that Filet-O-Fish is constant at McDo’s menu because let’s admit it, sometimes it cannot be helped that we need a bit of a respite from the usual meaty burger options at McDo. Hence, it is comforting to know that save for French fries, we can also enjoy this healthy sandwich. 

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Speaking of fries, we had lots of it. It was a feast, really. Both kids and adults were all happy. But what made me giddy was of course the super delicious McDo Twister Fries. I am one of those who are crossing their fingers for the Twister Fries to become a mainstay on McDo’s menu. 

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
Honesty, our little McDo weekend party made a whole lot of difference to an otherwise uneventful weekend. I know I will still enjoy my weekend had I spend it alone doing the things I always love to do, but with McDo McDelivery’s help, my weekend was made all the more special. Nothing beats bonding with your loved ones over good food, right? 

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The kids had a grand time playing with their Happy Meal toys as well as the Uno Stacko they cannot get enough of. Their parents on the other hand had a great time catching up and sharing stories as well. We feasted on loads of food from McDo which also gives time for the house helpers to enjoy their weekends as well because they don’t have to cook for the family.  

Oh the convenience of McDelivery made all of us really happy. 

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McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
This long weekend, I am planning on having McDelivery again. This time though it will be all by my lonesome since the kids and my siblings will be away on a trip. I guess I will have enough time for myself to catch on the shows I love at Netflix while enjoying my favorite food at McDo. 

McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
How about you my lovely readers, how would you spend this long weekend? Would love to hear your thoughts on the comment section below. 

McDonald's McDelivery Blog Review, LoveWeekendzzz with McDo PH McDelivery, McDonald's Philippines Delivery Menu Price Branches Contact No Website Delivery App Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas McDonalds best Food Chain in the Philippines Food Delivery Service
To know more about McDo PH McDelivery, you may follow them on Facebook (@Mcdo.PH), YouTube (McDoPhilippines), Instagram and Twitter (@McDo_PH). For deliveries, download the McDelivery Mobile App on your mobile phone, or you may log on to mcdelivery.com.ph or call them at 86-2-36. Share your weekends with McDelivery on social media and use the hashtag #LoveWeekendzzz to join the conversation.

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