CDO Premium Holiday Ham

We are just hours away from Christmas 2017 and I am guessing most of us are already looking forward to spending it with our loved ones enjoying delicious Christmas food. Speaking of Christmas food, one of my favorites is CDO Holiday Ham Premium Boneless Hind Leg coupled with Danes Cheese Ball of course. 

I have been blogging about the goodness of Holiday Ham for three consecutive years now and I must say that to this day, it is still one of our family's holiday staple food. (2015, 2016)

CDO Premium Holiday Ham Premium Boneless Pork Hind Leg, CDO Premium Holiday Ham Blog Review YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Nothing beats welcoming Christmas day  spending it with your loved ones and family while enjoying your Noche Buena feast. And a Noche Buena feast wouldn't be complete without the traditional ham and queso de bola - in our case, a Noche Buena Feast wouldn't be complete without CDO Premium Holiday Ham and Danes Cheese Ball. 

CDO Premium Holiday Ham Premium Boneless Pork Hind Leg, CDO Premium Holiday Ham Blog Review YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

There are many things which I love about CDO Premium Holiday Ham. One of them is that CDO Premium Holiday Ham is made from real whole boneless pork hind leg meat with no extenders. Hind leg is said to be the best part of the pork to choose when making ham. I also love the fact that CDO Premium Holiday Ham is reasonable priced which means you'll be getting good quality ham without burning hole in your pocket.

CDO Premium Holiday Ham Premium Boneless Pork Hind Leg, CDO Premium Holiday Ham Blog Review YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

So if you are still about to go on your last minute shopping, I suggest you give CDO Premium Holiday Ham a try and enjoy it with your family. It is available at ll leading supermarkets nationwide. To know more about CDO Premium Holiday Ham, you may check out their website at and their Facebook page (@HolidayHam). 

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