Come One, Come All at The VegFest Pilipinas 2018 and Let There Be Peace On Every Plate

If you are a vegan, vegetarian, or veg-curious just like I am, this is an event well-worth going to this weekend. The VegFest Pilipinas 2018

The VegFest Pilipinas 2018, a vegan food and lifestyle event in Manila Philippines - YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

It is no secret that I am slowly but surely transitioning into plant-based lifestyle. I have been throwing hints here and there in some of my blog posts and I am grateful that some of my beloved readers are very supportive. Some of you even asked me to blog more about vegan/vegetarian/plant-based recipes that I am learning these days. So I figured, it would be nice to share about the food festival I am excited about. 

The VegFest Pilipinas is the first ever vegan lifestyle and food festival here in the Philippines. This year, VegFest Pilipinas is going to be a two-day festival that will feature vegan food, cooking classes, yoga, dance, and work out classes, talks, and live performances among many others. 

This is my first time to attend VegFest and while there are plenty of things to look forward to the entire run of the festival, those which I am really excited about are the cooking classes and live music performance. And I learned that Quorn Philippines, one of the best products to buy when you are transitioning to a cruelty-free lifestyle, will release three more vegan products which will be available at the VegFest Pilipinas 2018 - I am so excited about that.

The VegFest Pilipinas 2018, a vegan food and lifestyle event in Manila Philippines - YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

The VegFest Pilipinas 2018 is brought to us by Vegans of Manila and Quorn and it will be on November 17-18, 2018 (Saturday-Sunday) and will be held at BGC Art Center. It will be hosted by actress/emcee Elle Velasco, PTV4 news anchor Rich Cruz, and comedian Stanley Chi. They are encouraging everyone to go zero waste and bring your own containers, utensils, and bags. Lucky zero wasters who will be spotted by the VegFest team will win goodies.

This week is a tad hectic for me but I am grateful that there's VegFest Pilipinas 2018 to look forward to this weekend. I hope you could be there too!

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