A Late Hello, an Update, a YouTube Channel, and a Very Simple Toast Recipe

Hello lovely readers! It wasn't my intention to turn this blog into a space-gathering dust but somehow it did and I apologize. 2019 started out all well and good but the super cold weather where I am right now is taking a toll on my health I've been sick on and off for the past weeks. I know it is rather late but let me greet you a Happy and Prosperous 2019! I am claiming that this year will be filled with blessings, fulfilled dreams, answered prayers, and delightful surprises for all of us. And yes of course, good health.

So, first blog post for the year. Nothing grandiose, really. As a matter of fact, I am still on my PJ's and lazily sitting on my bed as I am writing this because I am still nursing residual colds from the mean flu that knocked me down recently. But I figured, the Chinese New Year has passed (gōng xǐ fā cái, btw) and I still haven't blogged about anything yet. So, hello there!

YedyLicious TV: YedyLicious.com on YouTube, A Simple Butter Sugar toast Recipe, Yedy Calaguas YouTube Channel, Easy Recipes on YouTube

I started a YouTube Channel. I have been wanting to start one for a while now because almost everyone in my family have their own channel filming the things they love for all the world to see, while I, was constantly battling the idea of starting my own channel versus my love for my privacy. At the end of the day, a lot of people talked me into starting one. Shout out to my friend Richie a.k.a. The Pickiest Eater In The World, who gave me an encouraging nudge to just get my sh*t together and start.

So here I am - navigating ever so carefully the colourful world of creating videos on YouTube. 

I have very little knowledge about this uncharted territory but it feels good to learn new things everyday. Though I am not saying that it's a walk in the park. Because the reality is, I only realized recently that girl, when you're recording and your camera's battery suddenly died or if your only memory card prompted full, and you are so dead-set on finishing the shoot while the freaking natural light is still there - you will curse like a mad sailor - without an apology. And I am a happy person to begin with.

YedyLicious TV: YedyLicious.com on YouTube, A Simple Butter Sugar toast Recipe, Yedy Calaguas YouTube Channel, Easy Recipes on YouTube

Yet, despite the growing pains of a newbie, I know I should just chill the f out. 'Coz once I get the hang of things, I could focus on other things about my YouTube Channel, since creating content would just come naturally. For now, I am really trying to focus on learning the ropes of creating videos because I really want to put out there my recipes and all the food I am creating and enjoying.

Speaking of which, I made my first ever recipe video and I know I shouldn't consider it recipe video because seriously, who needs recipe for a toast? But you know why I put it up there on YouTube? Because it's special to me. And it's easy. I can't handle too hard of a recipe when filming for now. Give me a month or two, three months top - and I will be dishing out something more decent. But for now, it's the Butter Sugar Toast Recipe.

YedyLicious TV: YedyLicious.com on YouTube, A Simple Butter Sugar toast Recipe, Yedy Calaguas YouTube Channel, Easy Recipes on YouTube

Why is this Butter Sugar Toast Recipe special to me? It was the very first food that I learn to make when I was a child. And at eight, there's not a lot you can do in the kitchen. When I learned this recipe from my mother, and made it by myself for the first time when no one is at home, as if a new world just opened. I never stopped learning to make food after that. The kitchen became my play ground.

My love for this toast obviously didn't stopped from the tender age of eight. I carry it with me during times when I feel sad and needs something that will make me feel good, during college when nobody got time in the apartment for decent home cooked meals because there's too many paper to finish, and up to this day when I am feeling nostalgic about those days when I will be sitting in our kitchen counter littered with bread crumbs, smear of butter here and there, and granules of sugar while happily munching my toasts away. 

I also love it when my elder sister would make it for me. Good times, good times. My heart feels full every time I eat it.

YedyLicious TV: YedyLicious.com on YouTube, A Simple Butter Sugar toast Recipe, Yedy Calaguas YouTube Channel, Easy Recipes on YouTube

Anyone can do this simple toast recipe. After all, bread, sugar, and butter are pantry staples to most homes. You just need to grab a piece or two of your favorite bread, toast it, then spread with generous helping of butter, then sprinkle some sugar. There are times when I want my toast to be pipping hot so that it will soak up the butter and melt the sugar in an instant. But these days, I want it when I can still feel that silky soft texture of butter coupled with the endearing texture of sugar in my mouth.

Now, this toast is even more meaningful not only because of the history it holds for me, but because it is the first recipe I have uploaded on my YouTube. There's a lot of opportunity for learning in this new creative world I joined in hence, I am excited and I hope you are too. So, I am inviting you to check out my YouTube channel, just search YedyLicious TV. Someone took the name YedyLicious on YouTube, so I cannot use it anymore. 

But hey, YedyLicious TV is more fitting, right?

I hope to see you there!

YedyLicious TV: YedyLicious.com on YouTube, A Simple Butter Sugar toast Recipe, Yedy Calaguas YouTube Channel, Easy Recipes on YouTube

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