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Showing posts with label Care D'Or Gelato. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Care D'Or Gelato. Show all posts

Carte D'Or Gelato Philippines

If there is one thing that I am totally loving right now, food-wise that is, I would say it's Carte D'Or Gelato. Carte D'Or is a number one premium ice cream brand from United Kingdom that captures the heart of ice cream-loving people all over Italy, France, Russia, Brazil, and Turkey. It recently made its debut here in the Philippines, their first venture in Southeast Asia.

Carte D'Or takes pride in using authentic Australian cream incorporated with the finest ingredients sourced from all over the world. 

Care D'Or Gelato Philippines, Carte D'Or Gelato United Kingdom's Premium Ice Cream Brand Now in Southeast Asia, Carte D'Or Gelato Ice Cream Blog Review Price Where To Buy Manila Best Gelato Ice Cream Website Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas
I was sent four pints of Carte D'Or the previous week and I swear to heavens I fell madly in love with it that I have been buying pints after pints of it to this day. It is quite addictive because it's really really good. 

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