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Showing posts with label Chocolate Chip Army Cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chocolate Chip Army Cookies. Show all posts

A Love Letter to Chocolate Chip Army Cookies

Oh Chocolate Chip Army Cookies, how can I even begin to tell you how much your impeccable awesomeness blew me away? Perhaps by a salute? How about declaring you as one of the best cookies I have ever eaten in my years of food blogging?  I couldn’t think of any other ways right now but I am well aware that you deserve more than that.

A bite into your handcrafted cookies made me feel like I can battle the craziness of this world. It made me feel like I can soldier things out because at the end of the day, I can count on your downright deliciousness which can calm my nerves. You made me a cookie soldier.

It is so mighty courageous of you to join the food delivery landscape in Manila with only your cookies as your weapon in the midst of food delivery infested battle field. What is more courageous is the fact that you have even built a camp of your own where cookie soldiers like us may visit you and dine in. 

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