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Showing posts with label Christmas Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Party. Show all posts

Of Great Food, Good Company, and Gratitude: The KTG Christmas Party 2014

Truth be told, given the reserved personality that I have, you can rarely find me associated with big groups. Quality over quantity, that has always been a mantra of sort that I always live by. Sounds like a pesky little unfriendly snob? Nah, it's just that only few people can dig my unconventional approach to life and my f*cker may-care-kind-of-attitude. So, choosing to just peacefully co-exist with the rest of the humanity is just the best bet.

That is why it came as a surprise, even for me that five years into food blogging, I am suddenly surrounded with people that renders my hand fingers not enough to count. Yet, given that these people are some of the nicest I have come across with, I feel grateful. We call our group the KTG Family.

K.T.G. stands for Kain Tulog Gang. People sometimes cringe for what the name of our group stands for whenever I am asked about it. And I understand such reaction. Not to offend anyone but I, myself wasn't a big fan of the name at first - it sounds too pedestrian. Until it grew on me. To this day, I am loving the beautiful irony.

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