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Showing posts with label FamTea Milk Tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FamTea Milk Tea. Show all posts

FamTea Milk Tea PH: Affordable and Delicious Milk Tea

Pluviophile that I am, I have never loved summer the way I am loving it now. Perhaps because the sun is a constant source of feel-good endorphins that's a big help especially these days when we are in a community quarantine. And you know what's one of the things I love about Summer? Those thirst quenching drinks that's serve as a respite from the heat. Just like milk teas.

I was recently introduced to FamTea Milk Tea and upon knowing their price point of as low as Php50, I was a bit skeptical. But I gave in anyway. And I'm glad I did because FamTea Milk Tea is one of the most delicious yet very very affordable milk teas I have tried. 

FamTea Milk Tea Metro Manila Philippines Blog Review Branch Price Menu Franchise Delivery YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

While I love variety of milk tea brands, most of which are in my opinion a bit overpriced. Not all people can afford a Php180 serving of milk tea especially in this economic crisis, hence, those affordable but good quality milk teas, I believe should be given highlights. 

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