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Showing posts with label Grocery Finds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grocery Finds. Show all posts

Lay's Salted Egg Potato Chips [Blog Review + YouTube Video]

I've been dodging chips these days ever since my sister have been scaring me out of my wits about the effects of too much sodium and all those nasty things you can find in seemingly innocent snack food in the grocery aisles that beckons. Guess that's what you get if you have a medical practitioner for a sister. 

So, my usual potato chips binge fest while watching my favorite TV series was put into a halt, needless to say. Until Lay's Salted Egg Potato Chips landed on my lap one day. Then I thought to myself, "Girl, calm thyself. Today's a cheat day."

LAY'S SALTED EGG, Lay's Potato Chips Salted Egg Flavor Blog Review and YouTube Video, Lay's Thailand, Frito Lay Salted Egg Potato Chips, Where To Buy Lay's Salted Egg Potato Chips, Best Salted Egg Potato Chips, Lay's Salted Egg Potato Chips Manila Malaysia Thailand South Korea China Singapore Asia, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas Food Stylist Photographer

Apparently, Lay's Thailand who is famous for putting out there some innovative potato chips flavor dipped into the salted egg flavor craze. And here's my take on it. 

Suy Foods Halal Certified Longganisa, Tocino, and Chicken Food Products

I was recently introduced to Suy Foods products and I got a bit excited because one of readers' requests that I have been getting these days is review and features about Halal certified food products in Manila. Yes, Suy Foods longganisa, tocino, and chicken products you will be seeing in this post fit the bill, I am happy to report. 

Not only Suy Foods products are Halal certified, I deem they are also a tad healthier option for those who craves for the usual longganisa and tocino but are trying to dodge pork on their diet. As Suy Foods tag line goes, "It's all about Chicken!"

Halal Certified Food in Manila Suy Foods Halal Certified Longganisa Tocino Chicken Food Products Blog Review Price Where To Buy Recipe YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
Halal food, I believe is no longer a foreign concept these days. For those who do not share the same beliefs though, it is guaranteed that you can still enjoy products of Suy Foods especially if you favor chicken over any other meat. 

Holiday Ham by CDO Premium

Christmas is upon us and just like the previous year, I am once again writing about Holiday Ham by CDO Premium, one of my favorite Christmas hams available in the market. Having all the legit reasons to indulge on all those glorious good food, isn't it only proper to choose what is the best for our family?

In terms of reasonable price and good quality, I must say that Holiday Ham by CDO Premium fits the bill. A perfect match for CDO Premium Holiday Ham you asked? Danes Cheese Ball of course.

Holiday Ham by CDO Premium and Danes Cheese Ball. Best Choice for Christmas Ham and Queso de Bola for Holiday celebration, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
As mentioned, I have already written about these two delicious tandem - CDO Premium Holiday Ham and Danes Cheese Ball. And I am happy to report that to this day, this combination is still a holiday staple in our household. A brand which I still believe in. 

Delimondo Corned Beef #TheBestCornedBeefInTheWorld @Delimondo

I have been hearing and reading good reviews about Delimondo Corned Beef for a while now since it was introduced to the market and now that I finally got to try it, I could understand such raves. I could even understand the bold move to use the hashtag The Best Corned Beef in the World, because for firm believers, it really is.

Some of my food blogger friends have been recommending it while those who are not into blogging but still are serious food enthusiasts wonder why I have not given in yet. Little did I know, I have been missing a great deal all this time.

Delimondo Corned Beef PH Delimondo Ranch Style Garlic and Chili Food Products The Best Corned Beef in the World, Delimondo Blog Review Price Makati Where To Buy How To Cook Recipe Facebook Instagram Twitter YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

Truth is, I am not really very keen on eating canned goods. So if I found one that suits to my liking, I tend to stick to it when I need something fast and convenient. I have very few favorite corned beef brands, but upon trying Delimondo Corned Beef, it immediately went up on top of my favorite list. 

Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate #SayItWithABigKiss

Christmas Season may be over but the thoughtful gesture of gift giving goes all year round. Hershey's Philippines is encouraging us to show our care by saying it with a big kiss through the new Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate. It is twice the size of the Original Hershey’s Kisses chocolates we all grew up with so it is twice the fun.

I am pretty sure that most of us love Kisses Chocolate, and I am pretty sure, especially for chocolate lovers like myself, bite size isn't enough. For something as delicious as Kisses, it should come in big size, right? So that is what Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate is all about, and then some.

Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate Philippines, Hershey's Chocolate Blog Review Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
It was only late last year when Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate arrived in the Philippine market. So this year, you will be seeing more of this big time babies in your grocery stores. I myself is excited since I am not really the one who can easily say no to big bite chocolates, especially when its from the brand I love.

Real California Cheese in The Philippines

I think one of the good news I have encountered this year is the fact that amazing people from The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) has brought even more variety of Real California Cheeses in the Philippines market. If you have been a long time blog reader, you probably have an idea that I love cheese - all kinds of it. 

Thus, news like this makes me giddy to the core. Especially this season when I have all the reason to whip up a good cheese board paired with my favorite wines regardless if we have visitors at home or not. 

Real California Cheese in Manila Philippines Blog Review Where To Buy Imported Cheese Price Variety Flavor Recipes Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
California cheese in particular is one of those which I am very fond of ever since a good friend from the US introduced it to me years ago. Now, kindly people from CMAB, USPB, and Virtusio recently shared some information about California Cheeses (Alongside a stash of Real California Cheeses! Talk about the perfect Holiday gift! Heartfelt gratitude to you guys!) 

Mega Creations Premium Bottled Spanish Sardines

Holiday Season is not over yet and I am guessing some of us are still busy creating menu list for the upcoming Media Noche feast. I for one is still working on it. That is why I am thankful that to be introduced to Mega Creations Premium Bottled Spanish Sardines and the endless recipes it can be part of.

Spanish Sardines for Media Noche? Yes. I mean, why not? We can cook up delicious gourmet dishes using Spanish Sardines anyway.

Mega Creations Bottled Premium Spanish Sardines Blog Review Recipe Website Where To Buy in Manila Facebook Twitter Instagram
These days, gone are the notions that sardines are reserved only for those days when you got nothing to eat in the pantry due to various reasons, specifically the lack of budget. Although these stuff still are not meant to break the bank with its price point, little creative spin in its preparation may mean a surprising luxurious feast.

San Marino Tuna Laing: A New Healthy and Delicious Treat from San Marino

Tuna Laing is the new product of San Marino, a brand known for creating healthy and great tasting products. I have always loved San Marino products especially their Corned Tuna and the Blue Mackerel Steak in Tomato Sauce. These two are mainstays in my pantry. When I do not have time to cook and prepare viands, I could always count on San Marino.
Now that they have introduced San Marino Tuna Laing, I am super stoked to try it out.

San Marino Tuna Laing, Healthy and Fast Wy to Enjoy Your Favorite Filipino Dish Laing
Laing is one of my favorite viands.  It is healthy and delicious so, regardless if it is devoid of the usual meat which I love, I am still all for it. The thing is, Laing is not really easy to cook because of the preparation it entails. So when craving for Laing hit me, I still have to wait when I finally have time to cook or when I have time to visit a restaurant that serves the dish. 

TESCO Affordable British Favorites at SM Markets: Top 10 Must-Try TESCO Products #TESCOatSMMarkets @SMMarkets

This year, TESCO, a long-established UK brand considered as "Affordable British Favorites" is finally made available here in the Philippines all thanks to SM Markets. This partnership between Tesco and SM provides a great chance for Filipinos to experience British products at an affordable price. 

Relatives and friends from the UK send me some food and lifestyle products carried by Tesco but I am thankful that today, I can even buy it myself since they are now available in SM Supermarkets, SM Hypermarkets, and Savemore.

TESCO Philippines at SM Markets, Top 10 Must-Try TESCO Products
Considered as the largest retailer and purveyor of Britain’s favorite food and lifestyle brand, Tesco carries a whole lot of products to choose from. I have tried several of these items and I cannot count how many have satisfied me. I'll be dishing out more about Tesco products in future blog posts, but for now, let's narrow it down to Top 10.

Swift Premium Corned Beef: Slow-Cooked and Cured to Perfection #MmmTakesTime

Recently I got a package filled with Swift Premium Corned Beef for me to try. It is said that it boasts of slow-cooked and cured to perfection process that makes the beef not just downright tender but impressively flavorful as well. Sounds promising.

I live in the mountain and slow cooking is pretty much common here not just to wile away time but to ensure the quality and flavor of food as well. So it is safe to say that although not religiously, it is still something I advocate.  So I have high hopes not to mention expectation for this product. 

Swift Premium Corned Beef Slow Cooked and Cured To Perfection

Honestly, this is my first time to try Swift brand for my corned beef fix. I have few favorites and my family is pretty much loyal to the local brand we have been using. But as with some things in life, it wouldn't hurt to try something new - as a matter of fact, it can be rewarding at times.

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