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Showing posts with label Group Buying Site. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Group Buying Site. Show all posts

Deal Grocer Experience

Let me say this from the get-go, before trying out Deal Grocer, I am skeptical when it comes to group buying sites. Case in point, during the time when majority of the food bloggers I know were writing about their dining experiences made possible through the vouchers they bought at some group buying site sprouting those days, I got nothing to contribute. Simply because I do not patronize such.

Those horrifying group buying sites experiences documented on blog posts you can find all over the internet also didn't help. So, call me a less than smart consumer if you must, but I will still stand firm on my belief that if I want good quality food and service, I must pay it with fair price.

Deal Grocer Blog Review Dining Deal Xin Tian Di Crowne Plaza Manila
I have been blogging about restaurants for nearly eight years now, that cliche that says "You get what you pay for" holds truth in it. So, I would rather work hard and save money for those experiences which will guarantee a good quality food and service instead of pushing my luck that my vouchers will not disappoint me. It's food that nourishes the body we are talking about, I hate being disappointed when it comes to that, so I don't mind spending.

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