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Showing posts with label Healthy Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Food. Show all posts

Kangaroo Nuts Philippines: Your Healthy Snack

There are a lot of healthy snack options available here in Manila but my current favorite is Kangaroo Nuts - a well loved brand in abroad and now here in the Philippines, that specializes in premium snacks such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, and mixed nuts among many others.

Kangaroo Nuts takes pride in the fact that their products are made from freshly-harvested top quality nuts and seasoned using only the finest ingredients. They are also known for having delicious and innovative flavors.

Kangaroo Nuts Healthy Snacks in Manila PH, Kangaroo Nuts Sun Lim Garden Foodstuffs PTE LTD Singapore, SLG Food Industries Malaysia, PT Surya Lestari Gemilang Indonesia, Kangaroo Nuts Blog Review Philippines, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas
A lot has been said about the health benefits of nuts when taken in moderation making it the best alternative to the usual junk food most of us are used to consuming. 

Seven Comfort Cuisine Manila Healthy Party Food Trays

I was recently introduced to SEVEN Comfort Cuisine, a new food business in Manila that offers food party trays perfect for potlucks, parties, and even for those days when one cannot muster the energy nor the means to cook. They take pride in having healthy and delicious food choices that can be delivered right at the comfort of your home or through an arranged pick up.

I had a simple get together with some friends where we spent an afternoon binge-watching American TV series recently and I figured it is the best time to try out offerings at Seven Comfort Cuisine. Yes, instead of slaving away in the kitchen, Seven Comfort Cuisine saved the day.

Seven Comfort Cuisine Healthy Party Food Trays in Manila Blog Review Menu Delivery Contact No Facebook Manila Catering Party Food Package Services YedyLicious Manila Food Blog
As a start-up food business, Seven Comfort Cuisine’s menu is still rather limited. But it they do have decent number of choices that ranges from pork, beef, chicken, seafood, pasta, vegies, and appetizers. 

The Good Juice PH: My Detox Experience

I have to admit, prior to deciding on writing about The Good Juice PH, I was under the notion that as a food blogger, I may not be the right fit to share my thoughts on it. What does a food blogger who spend most of her waking time trying different food – fatty or not – has to do with juicing healthy drinks meant for detoxification?

Then I figured, that is exactly the point.

Of all the people who should be doing detox from time to time, us food enthusiasts should be it.

The Good Juice PH Healthy Detox Drink Manila, Supplement Cleanse Detox Juicing, The Good Juice PH Contact No. Prices. Detox Juice. Fruit and Veggie Juices. Juicing in Manila. Sophie Sumner for The Good Juice PH

We expose our system to varieties of edible things we could take – out of curiosity and sheer pleasure of eating. And admittedly, sometimes, we can get overboard. Hence, detoxifying every now and then make sense.  So what does a fatty food blogger like me has to say about the benefits of detox juice? Trust me on this, a lot.

RiCo Corn Rice: Healthy Alternative to Rice

I am not in a special kind of diet or something but healthy alternative to food I usually enjoy is always welcome to my pantry. When cool peeps from Nuffnang Philippines shared to me a package of RiCo Corn Rice, a product recently introduced to market as a healthy alternative to rice, I was elated.

In our household, corns are aplenty especially when it is in season. If you live somewhere far from the city like I do, chances are, you would understand the romantic notion of planting and growing your own food. Corn is one of those crops I grew up enjoying. Substituting rice in favor of corn is not really a problem for me although I am a big rice eater. So I figured, corn molded into a rice form is something I could enjoy.

RiCo Corn Rice, Healthy Alternative to Rice, RiCo Corn Rice Recipes, YummyHealthy, Where To Buy RiCo Corn RIce, How To Cook Rico Corn RIce, RiCo Corn Rice Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Contact No.,RiCo Corn Rice Recipe, Milky Corn Rice with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

RiCo Corn Rice, a product of La Filipina, holds the promise of health benefits compared to rice. It is said that corn rice is low in glycemic index which is good for diabetics and pre-diabetic people, it is also gluten free and trans fat free, and it has no cholesterol which makes it good for the heart. Aside from that, rice corn is also said to be packed with iron, lutein, vitamin a, b-vitamins, amino acids, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, and fiber.

Coco Natura Coco Sugar and Coco Jam: Nature's Finest Sweetener, a Healthy Alternative to Sugar

Do you have a sweet tooth? I do. And honestly, while consuming sugary treats can induce guilt that is not easy do deal with, sugar is something I cannot completely eliminate in my diet. Sure I have tried artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes widely available in the market. Yet, the problem with these things is that I never liked the taste. For some reason, it always left an after-taste in my mouth that made me feel like I ate chemicals/synthetic. It’s always been a dilemma. So when I was asked to sample Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, I agreed in the hope that I might finally find a healthy alternative to sugar which taste I would like.

Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, is a healthy alternative to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners which is made from 100% organic coconut sap. It is said to be produced with minimal processing to assure that majority of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acid in the coconut sap will remain intact, making it way healthier to consume than the usual sugar and other sweeteners. It is also said that Coco Natura’s Coco Sugar, is free from additives, artificial flavorings, and anti-fermenting agents.  This can be the best bet for people who has diabetes or those who want to eliminate the harmful effects of sugar in their bodies.

Coco Natura Coco Sugar and Coco Jam

Now, there are other coconut sugars available in the market, but not all brands are the same. Coco Natura boasts of the fact that they do not blend their coconut sugar with additives or flavorings.  They stand by the fact that theirs are made from freshly harvested and organically grown coconut sap which hails from the Southern part of the Philippines.  The quality of their product gained them various certifications, proof that they are doing a great job in producing nature’s finest sweetener.

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