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Showing posts with label Kouign Amann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kouign Amann. Show all posts

A French Lunch at Brasserie CiÇou

It was a leisurely lunch that lasted for roughly five hours. With a restaurant as beautiful as Brasserie CiÇou that dishes out French cuisine reflecting the genius of chef Cyrille Soenen, such occurrence is sometimes inevitable. 

With the parade of edible beauty translated in each plated food, the long stretch of time will never matter. Instead, you will hold on to each passing minute with eager anticipation for the next beauty to come while dreading the end of such funfair of a feast.

As with all things in life, good experiences are meant to be savored, not rushed.

Brasserie CiCou French Restaurant in Greenhills San Juan, Brasserie CiCou Menu, Address, Website, Contact, Facebook, Instagram, Kouign Amann
With a lot of restaurants within Greenhills area, Brasserie CiÇou is one of those restaurants, if not the only one, which any food aficionado smart enough to appreciate what good food is would not mind spending half a day to. 

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