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Showing posts with label McRib. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McRib. Show all posts

GIVEAWAY: 50 McRibs Up For Grabs! McDonald’s Philippines X YedyLicious #McRIBVIEWinYedyLicious #McRibCraving Giveaway!

If you’re a fan of McRib at McDonald’s Philippines, here is your chance to throw a McRib party for you and your friends.

Join McDonald’s Philippines and YedyLicious Manila Food Blog McRib Craving McRIBVIEW Giveaway. There will be 50 McRibs up for grabs. 5 Winners will be chosen and each will get to win 10 McRibs each!

McRib at McDonald’s Philippines
If you read my blog feature about McRib of McDonald’s Philippines, you would know how much I enjoyed it. Lucky for us, our friends at McDonald’s want you to enjoy it as much as I do hence the giveaway. But this time, we are taking the fun to Instagram.

McRib at McDonalds Philippines #McRibCraving Satisfied! @McDo_PH

"So, you haven't tried McRib yet? I believe it's already available at all branches of McDonalds Philippines." Says my McRib-loving friend preceded by that kind of look as one would stare on a gloomy sky where a rainbow has recently been - with such pity and regret.

As a self-confessed pork-loving individual, I understand such frustration. But in fairness to my part, this famed sandwich from Mickey D's has always been elusive. Popping on the menu when I least expect it, then vanishing away in a heartbeat like a rockstar taking a break from the limelight much to the dismay of its cult following.

McRib Philippines, McRib at McDonalds Philippines, McRib Blog Review Locator McDo PH
So yes, I have not tried McRib yet until recently when McDonalds Philippines announced McRib's availability here in our country, although for a limited time only. It's available at all McDo PH branches nationwide except in Cotabato (where majority of people I believe do not eat pork), so no reason to miss the chance to finally try it and enjoy its promised goodness while it last.

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