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Showing posts with label Plant Strong Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant Strong Recipe. Show all posts

Organic Summer Salad with Honey Lime Vinaigrette Dressing

This salad is like a fresh breath of Summer but it is not an attempt to mock the season on its tail end. It’s raining outside while I am writing this piece and the cool brush of wind is indicative that Summer season is about to retire soon. But still, I ask you to grant me this indulgence to talk about this recipe I love referring to as my summer salad

I’ll jump on any excuse to whip up this recipe. Unlike any other, this salad can withstand the hungry expectation of any season. It has pulled me through the gloomy funk of rainy days and brought me back to the season of chasing sunrise and flirting with sunset.

Easy Healthy Recipe for Summer Romaine Lettuce Salad with Honey Lemon Lime Vinaigrette Dressing, Organic Salad Recipe, Vegetarian Friendly Recipe, Recipe Using Organic Veggie Mommies Manila Philippines, Healthy Salad Recipe, How To Make a Salad Recipe, Healthy Salad Dressing Recipe, Where To Buy Organic Produce in Manila, Organic Produce Recipe, YedyLicious Manila Food Blog, Copyright Yedy Calaguas

Come rain or shine, it is a healthy food I often have on my table I could have called it The Salad for All Season. But I may risk offending a local celebrity slash politician that my mother so admires hence, let’s just settle for summer salad. 

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