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Showing posts with label Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project. Show all posts

Grab That 7" Android Tablet for only Php 999 Exclusive Price for WeChat Users!

I am really excited to share this good news to my fellow WeChat users because seriously, 7" Android Tablet for Php 999 only? Wow, I know!

WeChat, the country's leading social mobile app in partnership with an online shopping site Lazada Philippines is rolling out discounted Android tablets in line with Lazada Philippine's 2nd Anniversary celebration.

This special promo is available for 1,000 WeChat users following Lazada Philippines's official WeChat account. The original price of the 7" Android Tablet is at Php2,499 and if you are one of the chosen WeChat users, then you can have it for only Php999.

I suggest that you do not miss out on this celebration so, if you are a WeChat user, be sure to follow Lazada Philippines on WeChat (Official WeChat ID: Lazada_PH) and if you have not joined the WeChat community yet, now is the right time to create your account.

Plan Party in Five Days Through WeChat

Are you one of those who loves to plan party? I am not talking about one-thousand-guests-big-event-kind-of-party though, I am referring to the usual chill out party amongst you and your friends. I do. I love cooking and having friends around to feast on the dishes I prepared. These small parties used to be my usual weekend fix especially when I was in college and early on my corporate world stint. I also love having staycation on some hotels with my friends and just have a good time over food and shared stories. Then I got busy and rarely got the liberty of time to plan parties again. So, for a time, I stopped creating these little parties because I cannot afford to deal with stress that party planning entails. But then there’s a comeback.

Enter WeChat.

WeChat Mobile App Can Help You Plan a Party with Your Friends
Yes, the mobile app I have been talking about here on my blog for the past few weeks. WeChat and planning parties, what’s the connection you ask. Well, by the time that I am writing this I am cooking a party, a small gathering over food with my old time friends that will happen in five days. Yes, party planning in five days is now possible. With the help of WeChat.

WeChat: Of Storage and History Backup

I have this thing about storage devices. Because really, wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could stash and keep away our things for future usage? Like say for instance, food. I am a fan of those nifty storage containers we can by from the market. I love its usability and the fact that it helps me keep things and food in my pantry organize made me love it all the more. 

And this affinity for storage extends to most important things in life. I am a photographer, hence, heavy duty external hard drive is a must for safekeeping the photos I shoot for my clients. I am a blogger, so I appreciate online services that can back up datas from my blog. As for mobile conversation through chat, I am happy that WeChat has History Backup feature that enables user to save their conversations histories and restores them to any device for up to seven (7) days.

Food Storage Solutions
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know for a fact that I am a WeChat user. I use it both for personal and business purposes. And I couldn’t stress enough how WeChat features help me in my line of work and day to day life. One of the features that I find indispensable is this History Backup.

WeChat 5.2 Upgrade with 6 New Features

For the past couple of days, I am developing this new morning ritual that revolves around coffee and WeChat. I was the big breakfast kind of girl but since I have been dealing with some recipe development and food photography projects lately, I have to make do with what my little time could accommodate. Ditching coffee is out of the question. Logging on to my WeChat account to communicate with some of my clients, all the more. So yeah, every morning, it’s just usually the three of us in my studio-slash-kitchen. 

Couple of days ago, upon logging on to my WeChat, I was prompted with a message from WeChat Team notifying me that the new WeChat 5.2 upgrade is now available. I tell you this, save for my Instagram account where I showcase most of my kitchen works, WeChat is one of my most used mobile app. Needless to say, I am excited with this new upgrade.

WeChat’s 5.2 upgrade for Android and iOS
I could not stress enough how indispensable WeChat to me especially now that I am slowly trying to incorporate it in my works as a freelancer and as well as a blogger. Means of communication with clients, friends, and loved ones used to be within the confines of text messages, phone calls, and emails. Now that WeChat’s 5.2 upgrade for Android and iOS matches my drive and energy to get through the day with all my activities at hand, I am confident that communication while I am on the go will be so much easier, not to mention fun!

Love in the Time of WeChat

We are through with the love month couple of days ago and here I am still talking about Love. But really who could blame me when everything else around speaks of the wondrous things about Love? Especially in this day and age of technology when communicating with our loved ones is made easier. Just like the services that WeChat offers to its users. 

While I am a firm believer of the fact that technological advances like WeChat are not meant to replace human communication but to merely enhance it, I am aware of the advantages it brought to us. 

Through this world’s most searched social mobile application, people can communicate to each other even if one is at the far side of the world while the other is at the other.

Love in Time of WeChat, The World's Most Searched Social Mobile Application

Undoubtedly, this notable feature of technology is being relied upon especially those who are in a relationship and wants to be constantly connected with their significant others while doing their respective responsibilities in life. One good example is WeChat endorsers and real life newly married couple, Iya Villania and Drew Arellano.

WeChat: Giving Away an iPad Air This Valentine Season!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Having fun yet? I know most of us are feeling already extra special this day of hearts. Thanks to our loved ones who never fail to brighten our days huh. And thanks to the evolving generation that we are in now because Valentines Day is no longer exclusive to those who are in a relationship (read: coupledom). I have no significant other, but I sure am having a blast today, and I sincerely hope that you are too.

That is right, for me and I am hoping that for most of us, Valentines is a celebration of all things we love the most. Family, friends, significant other, pets, food, and even things that we love dearly. Reason to be equally thankful for is the fact that we are now in this day and age wherein communication is possible even if your loved ones are million miles away. Take for instance this innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users called WeChat.

WeChat App, an effective Smartphones application to communicate
For sure, most of us would love to get in touch with out loved ones located somewhere around the globe especially today that is a Valentines Day. WeChat can make that happen for us, for free. All we need is the proverbial internet connection and we’re good to go.

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