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Showing posts with label San Marino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Marino. Show all posts

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna

I’m one of those rare morning persons. I just love waking up early in the morning and getting ready before the city becomes busy with its roaring sounds and bustling cars. One of the best things about waking up early in the morning is getting to have a proper breakfast. 

I just love breakfast! You know what they say – it’s the most important meal of the day! It’s my favorite meal because it sets the mood for the rest of the day, that’s why I make an extra effort to prepare it.

A Hearty Start to a Great Day with San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Corned Tuna Easy Recipe, San Marino Products Blog Review, San Marino Mackerel in Sweet and Sour Sauce, San Marino Mackerel in Natural Oil, San Marino Chili Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Fillet, San Marino Tuna Paella, San Marino Blue Mackerel Steak, and San Marino Tuna Spread YedyLicious Manila Food Blog

And what screams breakfast more than a silog meal, right? It’s almost always a go-to when having breakfast meals (at least it is for me). And I’m constantly trying to improve on my hash and rice recipe, coming up with ways to make it better. 

San Marino Tuna Laing: A New Healthy and Delicious Treat from San Marino

Tuna Laing is the new product of San Marino, a brand known for creating healthy and great tasting products. I have always loved San Marino products especially their Corned Tuna and the Blue Mackerel Steak in Tomato Sauce. These two are mainstays in my pantry. When I do not have time to cook and prepare viands, I could always count on San Marino.
Now that they have introduced San Marino Tuna Laing, I am super stoked to try it out.

San Marino Tuna Laing, Healthy and Fast Wy to Enjoy Your Favorite Filipino Dish Laing
Laing is one of my favorite viands.  It is healthy and delicious so, regardless if it is devoid of the usual meat which I love, I am still all for it. The thing is, Laing is not really easy to cook because of the preparation it entails. So when craving for Laing hit me, I still have to wait when I finally have time to cook or when I have time to visit a restaurant that serves the dish. 

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