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Showing posts with label Sandwich Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandwich Recipe. Show all posts

How to Make Nutella & Marshmallow Grilled Sandwich

If we go back to six months ago and you'll tell me that I will be where I am right now, I probably wouldn't believe you. But life happens. Six months into corporate life and sometimes, I still can't believe that I veered away from doing what I have been doing for a decade and accepted a more challenging role that requires majority of my time in a day coupled with solid commitment. But I am not complaining. 

I am grateful that I still have the child-like enthusiasm every time I go to work. I am grateful that no matter how challenging things can get, I still find myself looking forward to meeting new batch of trainees I need to handle, making sure they are somehow equipped with knowledge and skills they need to become a well-functioning employees when they get to the grind. I am grateful. 

Nutella and Marshmallow Grilled Sandwich Easy Recipe By YedyLicious Manila Food Blog of Food Stylist, Writer, and Photographer Yedy Calaguas, Smores Sandwich, Grilled Chocolate Marshmallow Sandwich Recipe, Easy Sandwich Recipe, Easy Smores Recipe, Easy Nutella Recipe, Homemade Nutella Recipe, Easy Sandwich Recipe, Easy party Idea Recipes, YedyLicious Manila Philippines Food Blog, Top Best Food Blog in Manila Philippines YedyLicious, Top Best Food Blogger Manila Philippines Yedy Calaguas, Food Stylist Photographer Writer in Manila Philippines Yedy Calaguas Hiedi Lyn Calaguas Social Media Influencer Manila Philippines Easy Food Blog Recipes

While work can give sense of fulfilment in my book, it is certainly not a walk in the park. There are still some times when I find myself questioning if I am in the right track. There are still some times when the nagging question why am I doing this to myself haunts me. 

There are times when I feel like nothing makes sense until one employee or two would come up to me and hug me or tap me with such gratefulness because they have finally passed the certification. Those moments are golden. Those moments made me realize that hey, I love this job. 

Peanut Butter Chocolate and Apple Sandwich

Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread, Peanut Butter Chocolate and Apple Sandwich Recipe, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Easy Sandwich Recipe, Best Sandwich Recipe, Recipe with Chocolate Peanut Butter Apple Cinnamon, Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Blog Review, Top Best Food Blog Recipe in Manila Philippines YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas Copyright

What do you eat when you’re too lazy? This is the question I would often get from friends who at least once in their lives witnessed me cooked laboriously and often times ceremoniously. In parallel universe, I could probably tell them with much bravado that I am way too passionate of a cook to be lazy. I could also cough a pontifical declaration that every meal I have is labor of love reeking of enthusiasm to create culinary masterpiece.

But we are in this universe and none of those pompous declaration is true. Because the truth is, despite my desire to learn more about the ways in the kitchen, I get lazy at times. On a not so good day, my laziness gets the better off me I could eat tuna straight out of a can – totally not my brightest hour.

How To Make Spinach Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Adulting. That bittersweet word of inexplorable truth that sometimes makes us excited and scared at the same time – but we do it anyway. I was browsing through my blog archive when I realized how my food preferences have matured significantly for the past years. Before, I will eat anything I fancy with reckless abandon. These days, I can’t even finish a scoop of ice cream in fear that I might get the nasty diabetes everybody hates. Yep, hello adulting

Before, I deemed it was blasphemy to serve bacon with anything green. These days, the ratio of bacon to veggies on my plate is 1 to 3. Before, I would enjoy a greasy grilled cheese sandwich straight up. These days, I would sneak in something healthy, like spinach. 

Spinach and Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe, How To Make Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Spinach, Grilled Cheese Sandwich Idea, Vegetarian-friendly Sandwich Recipe Healthy Sandwich Recipe Using Organic Veggie Mommies, Recipe Using Organic Produce, Best Bread and Cheese to Use for Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Organic Veggie Mommies, Where To Buy Organic Produce Vegetable Fruits in Manila Philippines, Best Top Food Blog on Easy Recipe, Top Best Food Blog in Manila Philippines YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Copyright Yedy Calaguas

Welcome to my world of adulting. Try this recipe for Spinach and Grilled Cheese Sandwich, you will love it – both the sandwich and the adulting. 

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