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Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

My Restaurant Adventures with Huawei P9

One whole day, three restaurants, and Huawei P9 mobile phone – Challenge accepted!

This is all about my restaurant adventures in one day with Huawei P9 mobile phone at hand as a tool to use in fulfilling tasks as a food blogger.

Ever since having Huawei P9, I must say that things gets a tad easier for me especially when it comes to my restaurant adventures. Huawei P9’s classic and stylish appearance is a sure winner for me but what made me fall in love to it all the more is its efficiency as a smartphone and its dual-lens camera co-engineered by Leica.

Restaurant Adventures Mobile Food Photography Using Huawei P9, Antipolo Food Trip Blog Series with Huawei P9 Mobile Phone, Huawei P9 Blog Review Camera Sample Photos YedyLicious Manila Food Blog Yedy Calaguas

As you may have known, I live a bit far from Manila and having to carry my heavy DSLR and its lenses when attending events and venturing into food trips can be tiring at times. Needless to say, a Smartphone with highly impressive camera good enough to use in my food blogging is indispensable.

Love in the Time of WeChat

We are through with the love month couple of days ago and here I am still talking about Love. But really who could blame me when everything else around speaks of the wondrous things about Love? Especially in this day and age of technology when communicating with our loved ones is made easier. Just like the services that WeChat offers to its users. 

While I am a firm believer of the fact that technological advances like WeChat are not meant to replace human communication but to merely enhance it, I am aware of the advantages it brought to us. 

Through this world’s most searched social mobile application, people can communicate to each other even if one is at the far side of the world while the other is at the other.

Love in Time of WeChat, The World's Most Searched Social Mobile Application

Undoubtedly, this notable feature of technology is being relied upon especially those who are in a relationship and wants to be constantly connected with their significant others while doing their respective responsibilities in life. One good example is WeChat endorsers and real life newly married couple, Iya Villania and Drew Arellano.

WeChat: Giving Away an iPad Air This Valentine Season!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Having fun yet? I know most of us are feeling already extra special this day of hearts. Thanks to our loved ones who never fail to brighten our days huh. And thanks to the evolving generation that we are in now because Valentines Day is no longer exclusive to those who are in a relationship (read: coupledom). I have no significant other, but I sure am having a blast today, and I sincerely hope that you are too.

That is right, for me and I am hoping that for most of us, Valentines is a celebration of all things we love the most. Family, friends, significant other, pets, food, and even things that we love dearly. Reason to be equally thankful for is the fact that we are now in this day and age wherein communication is possible even if your loved ones are million miles away. Take for instance this innovative mobile social communications application designed for smartphone users called WeChat.

WeChat App, an effective Smartphones application to communicate
For sure, most of us would love to get in touch with out loved ones located somewhere around the globe especially today that is a Valentines Day. WeChat can make that happen for us, for free. All we need is the proverbial internet connection and we’re good to go.

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