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Showing posts with label Tokyo Tokyo Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tokyo Tokyo Contest. Show all posts

Snow Ice at Tokyo Tokyo Philippines #MakeItSnow @tokyotokyoPHL

Rain or shine, cold icy treats is something I could not get enough of. Ice cream, shakes, frappuccinos, etc. are something I would not mind having even during rainy season. That is why ever since Tokyo Tokyo, a well-loved Japanese restaurant here in the Philippines released their Snow Ice, I m still enjoying it even if rainy season has been declared now here in our country.

Snow Ice is Tokyo Tokyo’s take on traditional Japanese iced dessert called Kakigori. It is essentially made up of creamy layers of vanilla shaved ice topped with all things delicious. There are three flavors available; Choco Sensation, Mango Peach Medley, and Halo-Halo

Tokyo Tokyo Philippines Japanese Restaurant Snow Ice Dessert, Tokyo Tokyo Snow Ice Contest

Early today, I paid a visit to Tokyo Tokyo to get my Snow Ice fix for the day. I was dead set on getting all three flavor but unfortunately, the Mango Peach Medley was not available. Good thing though that I equally loved the other two flavors which my family also loves.

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