Okay, that’s one cheesy title, I know.
Well actually, it sounded very high school-ish (you know how your teacher made you write an essay about how did you spend your Christmas or summer vacation? And no matter how sucky it was, you're hard pressed to write about it because hey, who wanted those indelible red marks on their class cards anyway? No one. So, you write away, drawing inspiration from the most mundane title one could muster, “My Christmas / Summer Vacation”. Beat that. Most of my classmates hated it, but I love it to the core because I was an outcast-geek-nerd that way.) But that’s not my point.
Now let’s go back to the cheesy title sweetest afternoon of my 2011.
Dessert. Comes. First.
Now you know why the title, eh?
It was last April 9, 2011.
April. It was eons away, I know. But let's calm down, okay?